Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Day 103 - How Impressive is that First Impression?

First impressions are awesome.  No, I mean really.  Whatever you do, you're never going to ruin that impression that you've made.  If you're unbelievably outgoing and you've got one of those personalities that just makes people love you unconditionally, you're set.  Now, if you're awkward or creepy the first time you meet someone, you're going to have a hard time overcoming that impression.  Don't worry, it can be done though.  Otherwise, there's clearly no way that my wife ever would have married me (jk).

A person has to be slightly jealous of Ellie and her ability to make a first impression thus far in her life.  I mean, if you meet her on a good day, there's no disputing it.  She's an adorable, little girl.  Basically, anyone who met her in the hospital or right afterwards would agree with me.  Ask any of the people in the 74 (give or take) photographs I took of them holding Ellie if she made a good first impression.  If they say no, they're lying and must be punished in creative fashions.  May I suggest begin forced to watch an endless loop of the Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson version of 'Starsky and Hutch'?  Yeah, it'll be fine for the first couple of viewings, but believe me, they'll get tired of watching Starsky demanding that people make him a Bacardi and cola.  

Talk about your bad impressions...Bahaha

Now, can Ellie make a bad impression?  Well, yes.  Just to show evidence for this statement, she has been kicked out of the church nursery nearly every time she's been left there.  Something about screaming too loud, disturbing the other babies, attempting a coup d'état, so on and so forth.  Seriously. We put her in there at 9 am and Bethany has to retrieve her by 9:15.  I'd be lying if I said that I don't feel the slightest tinges of pride over it though.  To know your child has been removed from a church nursery is a really special feeling.

I bring all of this up for one reason and I'm getting there now; don't worry.  Today, Ellie and I made a quick trip to Savannah so that I could help my dad get some cattle moved from one pasture to another.  It's definitely one of those things that can go much easier if you have two people instead of just one, especially if you have some calves in the mix that have never been moved around like that before.  

Anyway, while he and I were outside working, Ellie hung out in the house with my mom.  My mom has always seen Ellie as the perfect baby not that I'm complaining.  She's been lucky enough to never really see Ellie at her worst like Bethany and I have.  In fact, Ellie's generally pretty congenial when my parents are around.  She'll play, smile, and flaunt that little personality to no end.  Today was different though.  Basically from the time Ellie showed up, she was fussy.  She didn't want me out of her sight for even a minute and when I left, she kind of went bonkers for a while.  My mom was unable to sit down for a second without screaming and her only recourse was to continually dip Ellie.  That's the only thing that could calm whatever vexed her.

This is not the dip you're looking for...

That's more like it!

Now, once I returned and fed her some lunch, all was fine.  She was willing to spend some time hanging out with each of my parents individually, as well as my grandma.  However, my dad quickly learned that things aren't always as they seem.  For shortly after I sat Ellie on my dad's chest, she looked at him, smiled and promptly vomited all over his flannel shirt.  My dad, flabbergasted, looks at Ellie, looks at me, and finally glances up at the ceiling as if to say "Why me?".  Now if I only I had a dollar for every time I had thought that phrase or something similar.  I'd have a whole bunch of dollars and that'd be cool.  #DaddyWrite

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