Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 97 - "Keep Calm, Your Mom is Calling"

Sequels are sometimes a really good thing.  If we're talking about the really good ones, then it's obvious.  'The Empire Strikes Back', 'The Dark Knight', 'The Bourne Supremacy', 'The Winter Soldier'.  All sequels that are, for my money, better than their predecessor.   The problem with sequels though is that they can be really, really, really bad.  Painfully bad even.  For example, 'Ocean's Twelve'?  I have yet to meet the person who loves that movie, mostly because no one out there has the foggiest of what's occurring.  'The Temple of Doom'?  Without a doubt, the darkest and gloomiest 'Indiana Jones' movie.  Also, possibly the most racist as it did give us the character of Short Round (Okie Dokie, Dr. Jones).  'Speed 2: Cruise Control'?  The sequel so bad it couldn't even draw Keanu Reeves back for a payday.  So what's the point here?  Well, today was Doctor day again for Ellie and in this case, the sequel was not better than its predecessor.

I actually should have been ready for the day to be a little rough as Ellie started the day off in a less than optimal manner.  She was happy and content for Bethany for about the first hour of the day.  However, as soon as she went down for her nap, that was all over.  I can still hear the screams echoing through an otherwise quiet home.  Reverberating from wall-to-wall for an hour plus without ceasing.  In that time frame, I tried everything I could do to calm my child.  Bouncing, swinging, holding, singing, snuggling.  Nothing was work.  I finally took her upstairs to our bedroom and laid her in the bed next to me.  Even that did not work.

Guessing I looked about like poor Pluto here with all of the screaming.

Finally, out of sheer desperation, I decided to bring in the big guns.  That's right; I called Ellie's mommy!  From the moment that Ellie heard Bethany's voice springing forth from my iPhone, she immediately calmed.  Ellie then began wiggling and squirming relentlessly until she finally settled in the fetal position with her head resting on my thigh.  She would then go to sleep almost immediately, even producing baby snores in the process.  Unlucky for us, by the time all of this occurred, Ellie only had about an hour of naptime remaining before we had to leave home to be at the doctor's office.  Once the time came, I gently roused my daughter, moved her into her car seat, and headed on the perilous two mile journey to Priority Care Pediatrics for her six month checkup.

All was fine for us at the doctor's office until the time came to disrobe Ellie so she could be weighed.  Now, she never enjoys this, but generally she can be calmed relatively quickly.  That was not to be on this given Tuesday.  Her respite from screaming had run its course and thus the ear-shattering noises resumed.  While I thought it was bad at the time, I hadn't seen anything yet.  Once Ellie's doctor arrived, things got real.  Ellie's faced turned tomato-red as she belted one scream after another leaving her doctor to state, "Boy, she sure does have an opinion, doesn't she?".  To add to the lunacy, there was a medical student on rounds with Ellie's doctor today.  Her face couldn't hide her true feelings, no matter how hard she tried.  I'm certain she was asking herself, "Do I really want to do this?  Surely it's not too late for me to go back to the family business.  Dad could teach me everything I need to know about the upholstery business, right?".

Once the exam was mercifully done, I began giving Ellie a bottle in the exam room to attempt to soothe her.  Unfortunately, that would be short lived as the nurse returned, four syringes in hand.  One at a time, the syringes would enter Ellie's leg resulting in screams of pain.  Poke and scream.  Poke and scream.  Poke and scream.  Poke and scream.

And with that, I dressed my daughter, placed her in her car seat and headed for home.  I wish I could say that there is no release date for the sequel to this.  Unfortunately that is not true.  Coming March 27th, 2017 to a doctor's office near you:  Ellie vs. the Shots, Part IV.  #DaddyWrite

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