Friday, May 24, 2019

Day 605 - TBT: Day 600

Here's a question for all of the stay-at-home parents out there with multiple kids. Actually, on second thought, any parent can probably answer this as well. How soon did you work up the courage to break out of the house, just you and the kiddos? 

For me, considering Bethany's only been at work for two weeks, it's actually more times than you would think. There's already been park trips and story times. We've also made several car trips with the sole purpose of calming down a screaming Ethan. We've even made a trip to Sam's Club, Target, and the bank. I guess that I should probably mention that those three trips were accomplished using the drive-thru or pick-up lanes. If you haven't taken advantage of those services, you definitely should because they're amazing!

This gif has the gift of foresight.

Of course, none of those times marked the first solo outing with two kids. The first outing was a week ago Thursday as the three of us met my sister-in-law and her two boys at the Deanna Rose Farm. On second thought, I guess that wouldn't technically be a solo outing. Although it should really count for something that I successfully got Ellie, Ethan, and myself all dressed, out the door, in the car, and down to Overland Park by 10:15. 

One thing I learned rather quickly on this little outing is that being a parent to two small children requires a lot more preparation for going out and about. For one thing, it's beneficial to actually know something about where one is going. For some weird reason, I had this misconception that the Deanna Rose Farm was a glorified petting zoo. Therefore, my plan for the day was to strap Ethan on in his carrier and to just have Ellie walk. Well, you can imagine my surprise as I watched Nicole unload her double stroller and plunk both kids inside. At this point, I was definitely afraid my lack of foresight was going to make for a rough day. Lucky for me, Nicole had prepared for my unpreparedness and packed an umbrella stroller as well.

While this kind of outing with Nicole was nothing new, the presence of Ethan certainly changed things a bit. I didn't realize just how much carrying an extra 15(?) pounds on my chest would impact me. For one, I underestimated how much heat the little man would produce while strapped to my chest. By the end of the morning, I had pretty much sweat through my entire t-shirt. For another, Ethan's already longer than Ellie was at that age meaning that I pretty much had to have my chin tilted up or my head cocked to the side to avoid striking him with my face each time we took a step. Never an ideal circumstance.

Don't be scared little man. I promise I won't dent your head...much.

It wasn't all bad though. It's always fun to see Ellie and Elbert get to play and interact with each other since they're the same age. It's also enjoyable to be able to catch up with Nicole and hear about what's happening in their lives. To top it all off, I even got to see a bald eagle in captivity. So what if it had a hurt foot; it was still cool! 

Even if my first solo outing with both kids didn't go entirely according to plan, it taught me a multitude of lessons. Chief among them is look up information about where online if I don't have any advance knowledge of what to expect. Oh, and I should also pack another t-shirt for the ride home on hot days like that. My car still smells like gross dude sweat. #DaddyWrite

Because I can.

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