Thursday, May 9, 2019

Day 595 - Eyes Wide Open

Ok, I have a challenge for all of you, dear readers. Look at the picture of a really cute baby and let me know what the very first thing you notice is. Oh, don't worry, I'll wait.

No, I'm not referring to the fact that Ethan is laying on one of Ellie's pink quilts. Don't judge me; it was downstairs and easily accessible at the time. Try again. Sorry, I am not referring to the epic smile plastered across the little man's face either. It is a pretty epic smile though, right? 

For the interest of time (and word count), I'll go ahead and tell you what the right answer is. It's the eyes. Big, blue, and shining. What's interesting about that picture is the fact that it is physically possible for Ethan to have his eyes open wider than that. For the record, it's possible for both Ethan and Ellie to open their eyes a little too much. I'll explain.

As Ethan is getting older, there is added importance on interacting with him more. Honestly, this is something I'm still trying to figure out. Number one, I struggle with interacting with infants as I somewhat view them as a new decoration or adornment. Don't get me wrong as I definitely love my son (and Ellie at that age). I just struggle with relating.

Lucky for me, my wife is the opposite. She was seemingly born with an innate sense of how to care for our kids. Either that or she is not shy about searching for tips from friends, books, or the internet. That leads us to today's activity with Ethan. 

During a text conversation with Bethany, she informed me that Ethan was at an age where he would absolutely love being flown around like an airplane. Of course, like any veteran father, I needed to ask for exact details of how to do so. Once I had the details in hand, I took Ethan, well, I took him in my hand and proceeded to fly him around the kitchen and living room. With every dip or rise in the flight pattern, I saw my son's eyes widen to the point where the whites covered more visible surface area than the blue.

Of course, none of this could be done without Ellie following along in my every footstep. That brings me to my next point pertaining to eyes widening. In this instance, when one's eyes are larger than one's stomach.

Simply put, Ellie loves to eat. I'm rather hopeful this will lead her down the road to a Bobby Flay-esque career. At bare minimum, I'm hopeful she will take over cooking for holidays in the future. More likely, it just means she's growing and needs the added nutrition.

Lunch today began with Ellie partaking in a hearty helping of Taco Pie. This delicacy has everything a growing girl needs to fill her up: cornbread, taco meat, cheese, and salsa. Once she got about 3/4 of the way through her meal, Ellie stopped, turned to me, and announced, "I would like an apple, please." Now, I'm definitely not going to turn down that level of politeness so therefore, I went to slice her an apple.

Once I brought it to the table, Ellie happily chomped down on the first slice, polishing it off rather quickly. She then started on the second slice. After taking a massive first bite, she swallowed, looked at me and announced, "I'm full." Like Ethan on his plane ride, Ellie too suffered from a case of widened eyes. The only difference was that while Ethan's eyes were wide because of his experience, Ellie's were wide due to the promise of unnecessary food.

There is a positive to take away from this though. At least Ellie's afternoon snack is already sliced up and ready to go. Yay for unintentional snack pre-preparation. #DaddyWrite

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