Monday, May 6, 2019

Day 592 - Back to the Grind.

"Ok, there must be a Delorean somewhere around here. That's the only possible way twelve weeks have already passed by."

If you didn't already infer it from that statement, today marked the end of Bethany's twelve-week maternity leave. It's absolutely crazy to think about her already being back at work for multiple reasons. First of all, I feel like there should be no way that Ethan has already turned twelve weeks old. Secondly (and more importantly), is it really already time for me to be solely responsible for two human lives in addition to my own? That can't be a good idea.

This morning was actually kind of heartbreaking to watch unfold if for no other reason that I once again had to wake up at 5:15 to go to the gym instead of waiting around home and going at 8:00. For the record, I'm joking with that last statement. Instead, it was heartbreaking to watch Bethany have to bid adieu to her kids for the first time in twelve weeks knowing that she'll be gone for the entire day. For Ethan, it was a fairly easy experience. Bethany hugged him tightly, enjoying every last snuggle, until the time came for her to hand him to me. With Ellie, the story was slightly different.

Here's a good place for me to remind you that Bethany heads out the door at 7:00 am to head to work. Generally there's not much that will change that time one way or the other. Today I was wondering if that would change as 6:50 hit and Ellie was still fast asleep in her bed. I could tell that Bethany was feeling the same way as she kept mentioning over and over how she hoped Ellie would wake up before she needed to leave.  

Honestly, I don't completely know where the worry arose from. According to Bethany, she didn't know how Ellie would react if she woke up and her mommy had already left for work without saying goodbye. I find it more likely that Bethany just didn't want to leave her daughter for the first time in weeks and not say goodbye. Such a good mommy, right?

As the minutes ticked by, Bethany's curiosity finally became too much to handle. She crept up the stairs, with only the cracking of her ankles providing a soundtrack for her quest. When she reached Ellie's room, Bethany gently turned the door knob and peered inside the room to see Ellie gently snoring. Bethany knew she shouldn't wake Ellie and sadly closed the door. With that, she said one final goodbye to Ethan and me and prepared to head out the door.

With pump bag and purse in hand, Bethany prepared to walk down the stairs when she was suddenly interrupted by a tiny voice. "Mommy, are you going to work?" Bethany happily turned towards the bedrooms to see a sleepy-eyed Ellie staring back at her. With that, the two embraced in a big hug which was followed by Ellie escorting Bethany down the stairs to the garage door. Once Ellie knew Bethany was safely in her car, she then romped up the stairs to the front window and stood there, waving and blowing kisses until Bethany was completely out of sight.

Hey, it's a job even if it's unpaid. Right Dwayne?
As I write these words, I am approximately halfway through my work day and I have to admit, I am very tired. Now the real challenge begins. Can I stay awake and alert until Bethany gets home at 5:00 pm or will I succumb to exhaustion, ultimately collapsing into a snoring, drooling heap in the middle of the floor? Time will only tell. #DaddyWrite

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