Monday, October 8, 2018

Day 514 - Ellie Versus the Zip Line

I generally have a good time whenever I write the opening for any of the #DaddyWrite posts. I feel like it's a nice little opportunity to invite people to share in the weird things that pop into my head. It also definitely allows people to get to know me a little better too. However, what I really like are those times when I can seamlessly connect the opening to the actual story contained within the blog. Today is going to be one of those.

I think I've mentioned this before but one of my all-time favorite TV shows is 'Chuck'. The story of the computer nerd turned spy never ceases to provide enjoyment for Bethany and I. Right now, we're on what I'm guessing is our fifth or sixth time watching through the series and tonight's episode was the one where Chuck bravely went zip lining. Therein our connection will lie.

If you live anywhere in the Midwest, odds you've found yourself experiencing some kind of cabin fever with the onslaught of rain conditions currently pounding the region. That's definitely the case for Ellie as she's been begging to go and do some of her favorite things. The poor thing; you can't help but feel bad for her. I had promised her a trip to the zoo this morning but there was no realistic way for that to happen with the rain this morning. Therefore, we instead tackled a new adventure and checked out a local Kids Gym. 

Now, I should mention upfront that neither of us really knew what to expect. Me because I'd never been to one before and Ellie because she's two. Upon arriving, the first thing we had to do was wait in line for our turn to enter. According to the nice lady working the front desk, there were more people than normal there because of the rainy weather. That being said, Ellie being forced to share the Kids Gym with six other children wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Once inside, our fun could really begin. Ellie happily bounded through the baby gate onto the gym floor with me sauntering along behind her, only stopping to gaze at her surroundings, trying hard to take it all in. Then, she took off at a full sprint for the first swing she saw, climbing aboard and propelling herself back and forth through the air.

It goes without saying that part of being two is not having a very long attention span. Lucky for Ellie, there were plenty of things to hold her attention as she quickly transitioned from the swings to the slides to the trampolines to the toy room.

Finally, there was only one "mountain" left for her to conquer. That being the mountain-esque structure she had to climb to reach the zip line (yet another figurative mountain in itself). Finally, Ellie's time had come. 

I helped her carefully climb aboard the zip line apparatus, carefully placing her legs around the base of the seat, and making sure she was holding on tight. Then, she was off, flying across the room until she reached the end of the course. There she sat, confusedly swinging back and forth on the seat until I told her to let go. With that, she dropped into the soft landing pit below her. Then, she victoriously climbed out of the pit, looked at me, and shouted "Again!". All together, Ellie would ride the zip line another six times before we finally left the Kids Gym two and a half hours after we arrived.

Now, as I wrap things up, I hope you can see the correlation between 'Chuck' and Ellie. No, it's not that Ellie is sort of named after a character from the show. Or the fact that both scream like a girl. No, it's the fact that Ellie, at the tender age of two, is already embarking on training for her glamorous spy career and it all began with a simple trip down the zip line. #DaddyWrite

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