Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 511 - The Salute to Sawdust

One is hard pressed to read a book that does not include a dedication. Seriously. Go to your bookshelf right now and pick up the nearest book. I'll do the same. Then, we'll meet back here and discuss our findings.

Ok, I'm back now with my copy of 'Not A Fan' in tow. Now, bear with me as I flip through the first few pages to find the dedication. Here we are. And I quote, "To my Dad. Following you taught me to follow Jesus." That's a very nice dedication. It's heartfelt, to the point, and applies to the source material. Taking all of that into account, I would like to pen a brief dedication for today's blog post.

To "Mulachee" Eliasen who taught me that sawdust is man glitter.

I'm 97% certain my reader base doesn't understand why or how that little dedication applies to today's blog. I'll get there.

As those who know me best will attest, I'm largely incompetent when it comes to being handy around the house. That's probably part of the reason why when I do accomplish something, I drive Bethany nuts wanting to show her my handiwork. My current project I'm driving her nuts with is staining our deck. 

Before I could actually stain the deck, I had to first complete two projects. Those two projects were powerwashing the deck clean and sanding down the wood on the floors, steps, and handrails. I completed the powerwashing last week leaving me with just the job of sanding left to do. On Monday, I was able to sand the handrails and stairs. However, that left me with the unenviable task of crawling around the floorboards of our deck with a mouse sander smoothing out the floorboards.

Even though this was a job I was not looking forward to, it wasn't all bad. For one, it was a safe job that allowed Ellie to hang out with me as I worked. However, there was one small thing I didn't think about: sanding down wood can be really messy. By the time I was finished, there was sawdust (or man glitter) all over me and Ellie. To make matters worse, the act of using my leaf blower to clean sawdust off the deck only resulted in creating a mini tornado of sawdust which also served to cover Ellie and me.

Once all was said and done, I was in quite the little pickle. Ellie was absolutely covered and definitely needed a bath as I didn't want her traipsing all over our house that we spent the afternoon cleaning last Saturday. Of course, it goes without saying that I was also in need of a bath. Therefore, I decided there was no better time than the present for Ellie to experience her first shower, something that she was very excited about.

I'm sad to say it did not go well. For some reason, Ellie has developed an intense fear of water cascading down over her head. Unfortunately for her, that's exactly what a shower is. Before all was said and done, I was holding her in my arms in the shower, only able to stick one of her tiny limbs in the streams of water at a time. When she was finally done, I just sat her down on the floor, quivering and yelling right behind me, and quickly cleaned myself up.

Here's hoping that subjecting my daughter to taking a shower with me today didn't somehow scar her for life. Although, I'm thinking if she is scarred, the pouring water is more to blame than my lack of clothing. At least I'll keep telling myself that. #DaddyWrite

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