Monday, February 12, 2018

Day 346 - My Daughter or Keanu Reeves?

This should be fairly obvious but I like words. Shocker of the year, right? The guy who's guilty of writing for fun enjoys words. 

I know that I'm often guilty of using a $5 word where a $.50 word probably would have done just as well. That doesn't really matter to me all that much though. It's not like I'm sitting around saying "Hey everyone. Check out this big word I just used so you can all see how smart I am!" I just think it's fun to have a sizeable vocabulary and use fun/different words. 

Ok, I see now how that last paragraph could be construed as slightly braggadocios. I also see the irony in me using 'braggadocios' in a sentence when I didn't really need to. Side note, how often do you think I choose to begin a blog discussing something ironic that really isn't all that ironic?

All of this serves to finally get me to my point. While words can be really fun, they're normally more fun when being used properly. Need additional confirmation? Just ask Ellie.

Like most kids her age, Ellie has been subject to epic babbling for quite some time. Now, if you were to ask me what exactly she's saying, I would wager that I've had about a 50% chance of getting it right. Let me tell you, when dealing with a toddler who borders on overly-emotional at times, those odds aren't nearly high enough. At least that was the case until the past two weeks. In that time, Ellie's vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds. Need examples? I'll be happy to provide.

Let's start off with my personal favorites, although it should be said these are likely Ellie's most useless vocabulary terms. "Cool," "Wow," and "Whoa." Each of these is overly-emphasized to the point that my daughter sounds like a teen slacker in a '90's teen movie. Or Keanu Reeves in any movie. While she doesn't commonly use them outside of repeating after her mother or I, there are those moments when it does happen naturally. Those moments may include looking at a new book, finding a remarkably fun piece of recycling, or playing with water in a sink. All are clearly valid.

Sleeping Ellie versus Sad Keanu...

While I do really like those three words, Ellie's fascination for saying "Mom" is probably more useful. While she's been able to say "Mom" for quite a while, I think she's finally just gained a firm understanding for it in the past week. In fact, it's becoming common for her to acknowledge Bethany's presence with a hearty "Hi Mom" each afternoon. Sadly for me, I think I'm destined to forever be known as "Bob." Oh yeah, after all of this time, we finally figured out that I am the "Bob" to which Ellie has been referring for months and months on end. You know, it's not like I'm her primary caregiver or anything. Oh wait, I am!

Ok, that's probably enough of talking about verbal communication. Especially if it's just going to make me sad. Quick, someone reassure me Ellie will learn to say "Dad" someday soon. Somebody? Anybody? **sadly whimpering** #DaddyWrite

Why did you lie to me, Jimmy Fallon?

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