Thursday, February 8, 2018

Day 344 - Shadow from the Sun

Everyone spends a significant amount of time chasing after something. Examples like the perfect job, money, fame, love, or tacos come to mind. Ok, probably not tacos. Ok, maybe tacos; you never really know what people are chasing after. As for me, I'm somewhat akin to the greyhound at a dog track chasing the mechanical rabbit as fast as he can. I'm sure you can guess this, but in this hypothetical scenario, I'm the greyhound and Ellie is the mechanical rabbit. 

Now, while it's fairly obvious that I spend a decent percentage of my day chasing Ellie around, you may wonder what exactly Ellie is chasing while I'm chasing her. Honestly, it can be any number of things. I've seen her desperately chase after food (i.e. snacks). It's fairly normal for her to chase after her toys after she tosses them. It's even pretty likely for her to excitedly run towards any animal she sees. For the record, based upon our most recent trip to Cabela's, it doesn't matter if they're living or dead. 

Today, though, Ellie discovered something new that requires her full attention in seeking out. While I could just say what it is, it's slightly more fun to me to make people guess. So, courtesy of Google, here's a riddle for you.

Now that I'm an adult, I realize just how creepy Jim Carrey looks in this scene.

Only one color, but not one size. 
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain.
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.

Any ideas? I can wait a moment while you think about it. Ok, that's probably long enough. The answer that you're looking for is your shadow. That's right, Ellie discovered her shadow today and is now determined to catch it at all costs.

It's no controversial statement for me to refer to this afternoon as a beautiful afternoon. With the sun shining and the temperature residing in the mid-50s, I was bound and determined to take advantage of it. Therefore, after Ellie and I returned home from a quick Sam's Club run for a few essentials, I quickly unloaded our groceries. Once that was done, I extricated Ellie from her car seat and headed outside with her in my arms. 

Initially, we were both more than content to just play in the driveway. However, it didn't take Ellie long to tire of that and seek further adventure. While her adventure bug was briefly satisfied by a short trip to the mailbox, that ultimately wasn't what she was looking for. Before long, we found ourselves wandering up and down our street with me leading the way and Ellie toddling along behind. As we walked, Ellie and I spotted our octogenarian neighbor, Roy, waving at us so we wandered over accordingly to catch up.

As Roy and I engaged in conversation, Ellie, according to form, quickly became bored with just standing there in Roy's driveway. Therefore, she began to check out everything around her. It didn't take long before she looked down at the ground and noticed a dark mark on the pavement. As she knelt down to rub the spot, imagine her surprise when said spot moved just as she did. 

It was then that she really began testing the spot through any means necessary. When Ellie would move an arm, the spot would move. When she'd move a leg, the spot would move. Finally, Ellie resorted to attempting to chase and catch the spot. I'm sad to say that she never did catch the spot. However, she did catch something arguably greater. The understanding of the sun's role in casting a shadow off of our body that will inevitably mimic each and every move we make. Even Roy was commenting on Ellie's enjoyment of her shadow during our conversation.

Before long, our conversation ended and Ellie and I headed back home to call it an afternoon. Of course, on the way, Ellie did have to make one last ditch effort to catch her shadow. Unfortunately for her, that effort was met with failure once again. 

This is where you should have one of two reactions. "Aww, that's so sweet" is always acceptable. The alternative is "Stupid baby, you'll never catch your shadow." I'm honestly going to leave the decision on reaction up to you. 

Although, I do find the first one to be preferable...#DaddyWrite

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