Thursday, November 16, 2017

Day 295 - Zoo-Based Free-Range Parenting

I have some words of wisdom for you, faithful reader, to take to heart. I know, I know. You're thinking, "Oh man. The guy with a blog is going to teach me a special life lesson. Should I just stop reading now and spare myself?". If I was forced to answer that question, I think I'd say "Probably?". The beauty is that since you've already taken the time to click on the link, let the web page load, and read this far, you're probably already committed.

Ok, words of wisdom. If you ever decide to start a blog and insist upon sharing facets of your life as commonly as I do, don't be surprised if you occasionally get made fun of. Truth. Although, occasionally if someone does choose to give me a hard time (all in jest, of course), they shouldn't be surprised to end up mentioned in a blog post. Today's recipient of that dubious honor would be Steve Cochran. 

After a conversation back and forth which resulted in me jokingly referring to my parenting style as free-range parenting, Steve said maybe I should make that the title of my blog. Since I'm irrationally fond of the #DaddyWrite name, I won't be changing that. However, there's nothing saying I can't use the concept of free-range parenting as a title for today.

A nice definition for your benefit...

As you probably gathered from the prior day's blog, I've been a little bummed out and experiencing some form of cabin fever/Stockholm syndrome. So, with a warm fall day popping up randomly, I decided we should take advantage of the niceness by heading to the zoo. So, after a $2.00 pizza courtesy of the new Firenze, I loaded Ellie up and headed towards the downtown area.

Once we arrived at the zoo, I began the process of getting Ellie dressed in her jacket and her bag ready to head in. At this point, I found myself confronted by an important decision: to stroller or not to stroller. Over the past week or so, Ellie has found herself wanting to travel on her own two feet more and more. Taking that into account, I thought she might really enjoy being able to walk around the zoo. I did worry about her getting tired or what we would do if there were a lot of people around. Therefore, I took the stroller along as well.

If this was Ellie's stroller, perhaps I wouldn't mind it near as much.

Our first stop after entering the zoo was to go visit the penguins, mostly because I knew that was a great place to check Ellie's diaper and change her if necessary. After that was done, I parked the stroller, let Ellie loose, and began to follow her all around the penguin house. Top level, second level, top level, outdoor penguins, second level, bottom level, weird stomping on penguin game, bottom level. With that, Ellie started looking towards the exit. Therefore, I scooped her up, grabbed the stroller, and headed outside.

Once we were outside, Ellie began hinting that she wanted back down. Therefore, that's what I did. This is where Ellie got really brave. In fact, I watched as she was willing to wander fifteen to twenty feet away from me at times. I even had to quickly put the brake on the stroller and run after her at one point. Finally, I got her directed towards the jungle house and along we went.

Once we were inside the jungle, I once again parked the stroller and happily followed Ellie around the building. And by followed, I mean we spent close to 25 minutes staring at the gibbons, one of which may have been suffering from some extreme form of depression (Now after the fact, I wonder if maybe I should have informed someone about that). 

I think they're trying to communicate...

Once we finally exited the jungle area, Ellie reached her fill of walking and sought the sweet relief of her stroller. Pretty impressive considering she had spent over an hour free-ranging. With that, there were only two more stops for us. Stop one being the tiger enclosure to watch a tiger eat his afternoon bunny which I enjoyed in a somewhat sadistic fashion. Stop two was more Ellie's speed as we headed to the 3:30 sea lion show. 

MMM, bunny.

Man, was that little girl stoked to see sea lions. Throughout the entire show, we stood at the fence just a few feet away from a trainer. Therefore, we had a great view of all of the tricks with Ellie erupting in her distinctive cackle every time the sea lions would roll over. Once the show ended, it was time to hit the road and head for home.

While I've been trying to free-range Ellie for a while (within reason), this was really the first experience doing so in a public setting. Perhaps I've stumbled upon the next wave in parenting. Either that or this is something all parents eventually do. #DaddyWrite

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