Friday, November 10, 2017

Day 289, Part 2 - "I'm in Hot Pursuit" aka The One Where I Got Pulled Over

Wait, Part 2? You can do that? Well, I figure that since it's my blog, I can probably get away with making up the rules that go along with it. Sorry if that comes across as a bit braggadocios but it is true. 

It's especially relevant in this case because there was more to the story after Ellie and I left Malachi's place on Tuesday afternoon. The problem is that that blog post was already rapidly approaching that threshold where folks would stop reading it because they likely had better things to do with their time than read about my life. Man, it hurts when I have to tell myself the truth like that. It's ok, I should be able to get over it. With time.

Once Ellie and I left Malachi's on Tuesday, knowing that we were beginning to run low on milk, Cheerios, chicken, and various other things, I decided to make a quick detour by Sam's Club to pick those things up. Now, it's important to note that Sam's isn't exactly close to Malachi's apartment. Therefore, Ellie and I were in for a bit of a car ride. 

The thing about plans is that they are made to be broken. Before even five minutes had passed, Ellie was out cold in the back seat of my RAV4. Believe me when I say the last thing in the world I wanted to do was wake her up. Therefore, I made the decision Sam's could be put on hold. Instead, I decided my time could be better spent just going on a little drive while Ellie slept in the back seat.

Now, as you probably well know, this is something I do quite often at this point. I find driving to be a peaceful and relaxing activity more often than not. Obviously, that's not the case if I'm driving in downtown city traffic. The rest of the time though, I'm perfectly happy to just hop behind the wheel and see where it leads me. On this occasion, it led to me heading north on North Oak Trafficway, beyond the turn to my house.

I hadn't even made it a quarter mile past the  turn to my house when I heard a siren accompanied by the unmistakable flash of police lights (aka blueberries and cherries for my friend, Tyler) in my rearview mirror. You see, I had literally just entered a 1 mile stretch (maybe) on North Oak where the speed limit drops from 40 to 30 mph. Coincidentally in that same stretch, I passed a east-west road occupied by three motorcycle officers and one squad car. I can't be overly positive but I think that might be the very definition of a speed trap. 

I pulled over onto a side street as soon as possible just to make life a little easier on the officer pulling me over. As he headed to the window, I glanced in the rearview mirror to see little Ellie still asleep, thankfully. Now, I wanted to ensure that remained the case. Therefore, when the officer came to the window, I already had my license and insurance ready. I also motioned behind me and whispered I had a baby asleep in the baby seat and would appreciate him being discreet. 

Lucky for me, the officer was willing to oblige me on that front as he took great care to make sure all of his interactions with me were done in a hushed tone. Unlucky for me, he provided me with a $143 speeding ticket as a parting gift; my first speeding ticket ever. And yes, for those wondering, I am still ticked off about it! Doesn't 16 years of perfect driving record count for anything?

That being said, yes, I was breaking the law (unintentionally) and deserved it. However, I can't say my interactions with the officer were all bad. He cut me a break on giving me a lesser violation than he could have. Therefore, I was certain to shake his hand and tell him I appreciated it as he left. I even called his supervising officer later that day to let him know how much I appreciated the professionalism his officer showed in taking care to be courteous and respectful of Ellie's sleeping. 

If I'm being totally serious though, a part of me really wishes Ellie would have been screaming bloody murder when he pulled me over. I feel like no cop on earth would give a ticket to a guy with a screaming baby. Maybe that's silly of me to think but I'll always wonder. 

Of course, I have to say I'll always wonder because I'm not exactly keen to test that theory out by getting pulled over again anytime soon. Anyone else want to test that for me? #DaddyWrite

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