Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Day 289 - Open Fire(fighter Themed Subs)

Something I often forget is that an adventure for Ellie doesn't have to be huge and adventurous (possibly even 'bigly' as the president would say).  While Ellie is intelligent, sometimes all she wants is just to get out the house. I like to think I'm pretty good at getting her out now and then. Trips to the zoo, the store, the park, or just long car rides have all been used to entertain Ellie. However, I will say that until today, I never really thought the following method could realistically be used to entertain Ellie.

Like most days, I had resigned myself to hanging out at home with the baby for the afternoon. Maybe an afternoon outing to Sam's to stock up on a few necessities was in order. Otherwise, I was planning on a perfectly  boring day. So, when I received a text from my buddy, Malachi, asking Ellie and I to come over and hang out while eating lunch and playing Call of Duty, of course, I was going to jump at that opportunity.

Now, you should know that I had some trepidation about doing just that. After all, Ellie is very active, easily bored, and wants 100% of my attention at all times. Go ahead and couple that with her weird dislike of men at this point in time and there were plenty of opportunities for this adventure to be non-successful.

As Malachi generally picks up lunch for us whenever he comes over to visit, I offered to stop and grab lunch for him today. After a bit of back and forth, we finally decided on Firehouse Subs which may or may not be America's favorite firefighter-themed sandwich place. Someone should really do a study to see if they actually have any direct competitors in the market for firefighter-themed sandwich places. 

After we put in the order (Italian sub minus mayo and mustard and a New York Steamer if anyone cares) and got our number, I took Ellie and sat down at a table near the door. Needless to say, my 16-month-old toddler became restless with just sitting on my lap so I eventually sat her down on the floor and watched closely as she explored the area around us.  

Maybe if I'd thought ahead and snapped a picture, then you'd be able to see this special moment...

The primary object of her fascination? Diamond plating running along the wall. Seriously. Ellie spent probably a good five minutes just rubbing diamond plating as she walked along the wall. Luckily our food arrived just in time as Ellie was getting bored with the diamond plating and was about to explore the old oxygen tanks and vintage fire extinguishers. Who knows how that would have gone?

Once our orders were delivered, we loaded up in the car and headed to Malachi's apartment to hang out. Despite Ellie's familiarity with Malachi, I found myself slightly curious to see how she would react to him. You see, she's going through a weird phase of not really caring for men at first glance. I seem to be the exception to this rule (somewhat) which definitely makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Anyway, between Ellie, her diaper bag, and the bag of sandwiches, I found myself needing to make two trips to get everything inside. Don't worry, Ellie was trip number one. I know better than to leave the baby in the car in an apartment parking lot!

The one sad part about eating lunch with Malachi is that we really couldn't eat lunch at the same time. You see, as Malachi was enjoying his New York Steamer, I was  busy feeding Ellie some healthy portions of tuna noodle casserole and some sliced banana for dessert. I assumed that once both Ellie and Malachi were done with meals, he'd be able to hold her while I ate. Instead, that wouldn't be the case as Ellie wouldn't really have much to do with that. Instead I found myself attempting to carefully maneuver my Italian sub around my toddler's head to my mouth without getting it yanked apart by her tiny hands. I also definitely wanted to avoid drips of Italian dressing on either of our clothes. That stuff stains since it's oil based, LOL.
I could eat another right now. Seriously, right this moment.

Finally, once we were done with dinner, we retreated to the living room for a little Call of Duty action. I had actually planned ahead and brought several of Ellie's favorite toys in addition to some books. I carefully laid all of Ellie's stuff out on a loveseat opposite the couch where Malachi and I were sitting and playing. I figured as long as Ellie could see me, she would be content doing about anything.

It didn't take long for that bubble to burst as Ellie quickly hopped off the loveseat and clambered up onto the couch beside me. Of course, she wasn't alone. She had her favorite stacking cups in tow. To my surprise though, she didn't demand my immediate attention. Instead, she happily played while occasionally nuzzling against me lovingly. In fact, she really never did beg for my attention. She'd occasionally hop down, grab another toy or book, and then reclaim her place on the couch beside me.

For me, I felt like this was a therapeutic session in more ways than one. Number  one, it helped remind me that Ellie is able to leave the house and be a somewhat well-rounded human being. In fact, there's absolutely no reason for this to not become at least an occasional thing. You need proof? Look no further than the fact that before we left, Malachi was chasing Ellie around the apartment with her happily screeching in delight all the while.

 Number two, opening fire on nameless video game characters is surprisingly calming. Does that make me sound like a psychopath? I think it might have made me sound like a psychopath. I promise I'm not a psychopath...#DaddyWrite

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