Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Day 288 - To Bounce Away or Stow Away?

I'm sure everyone remembers the TV show 'Seinfeld'. The show that faithfully declared itself to be "a show about nothing". Well, today's blog post is kind of the same way. Yes, I pride myself on finding unique things to post on #DaddyWrite. However, that being said, there are definitely times when absolutely nothing interesting happens. 

Today's probably one of those times. I mean, I could probably dig deep to the bottom of the barrel and figure out something halfway interesting to write a full blog post about. Instead, I'm making a conscientious effort to instead bore you with a couple of short events that more or less describes an average day with Ellie. 

First things first. I should mention that Ellie has been battling a cold so a lot of my time is spent simply trying to ensure her comfort and happiness. What that essentially means is that the baby essentially had free reign to do whatever she wanted today. Within reason, that is; I don't find it prudent to let Ellie play with matches anytime soon. 

That being said, there are always plenty of new things for Ellie to find and enjoy within the confines of our home. Today's new discovery for Ellie was something she's wandered across on multiple occasions but never really paid much attention to. That discovery was our full-sized body pillow residing in front of our fireplace. 

Under normal circumstances, Ellie just pushes the pillow aside and begins slobbering all over the glass doors covering the fireplace. Today though, she happily took a seat on top of the pillow and smiled at me from across the room. Then, as she was smiling, Ellie began bouncing up and down on the pillow, laughing all the while. That wouldn't be Ellie's only new discovery of the day of the day.

I should preface the next story with the statement that Ellie really likes food. Everyone does. That's not really an earth shattering announcement. Also, while I've long referred to Ellie as a monkey within the confines of my own home, I'm no longer sure that's accurate. She may lean more towards being a squirrel at this point in time.

Like most afternoons, I gave Ellie an afternoon snack consisting of some goldfish crackers and Cheerios. With that, I largely left her to her own devices while I prepared dinner. Every so often, I like to glance over my shoulder when this is the case. The first time, there was nothing out of the ordinary as Ellie was standing by a kitchen chair happily munching her snack right where I had left it. Before long, I heard the unmistakable sound of cracker hitting plastic. I turned around to see that Ellie had found another of her bowls and decided to transfer her snack from one bowl to another. 

I figured that was the last of the weirdness to occur. I was wrong. As I was dicing onions (with tears in my eyes, of course), Ellie began pushing hard against my leg to move me away from the counter. As I moved aside, she opened the cabinet door to my left and I watched as she deposited a handful of Goldfish crackers on the shelf, closed the door, and walked back to the remainder of her snack. I don't know if that was her trying to save some for later or if I had given her too much. Perhaps a combination of the two. 

I mean, it is getting colder so maybe that means Ellie's preparing to hibernate for the winter. After all, one would need to stockpile a nice supply of food to do so. #DaddyWrite 

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