Thursday, October 12, 2017

Day 273 - Bethany and Ellie in the Morning!

As people who know us well are probably aware of, Bethany and I have two very distinct personalities. There's nothing wrong with that though. I'm more boisterous whereas Bethany is more reserved. I favor words while Bethany tends to gravitate more towards numbers. I'm very much a night owl to Bethany's "early bird gets the worm" mentality. 

Not what I expected when typing 'early bird worm' into Giphy...

I just realized that maybe starting off a blog post describing the differences between my wife and I probably isn't the best idea in the world. Don't worry, though. Bethany and I are just fine; no issues to speak of at this time. 

There is one more area in which we differ though and that is in our individual relationships with Ellie. As you can guess, I tend to get a little tired of our daughter from time-to-time. Don't get me wrong, I love her and enjoy being around her. It can definitely wear a person out though. My days also consist of a lot of playtime. Ellie's not really a big fan of just sitting on my lap and cuddling or anything like that. She'd rather go, go, go, go, go. Taking all of that into account, you can probably see my surprise at the following conversation I had with Bethany tonight as she was falling asleep.

After Bethany crawled into bed and I was preparing to leave the room, my wife said "Do you know what my favorite part of the day is?" Now, as I do have a bit of a prideful streak at times, I responded with something along the lines of "Getting home to see me each afternoon?". If you couldn't guess, that wasn't the answer she was getting at.

Knowing you're famous all because your best friend wrote 'Good Will Hunting'?
Instead, Bethany replied that her favorite time of the day was first thing in the morning. Just in case you're curious, Bethany's morning routine has long included a bowl of Cheerios and her daily bible reading. However, as of late, her morning routine has changed slightly. You see, instead of it just being her and Jesus, it's now her, Jesus, and Ellie. 

As Bethany put it (may be subject to paraphrasing), "I love the way she will just sit there on my lap quietly while I'm reading my bible. She only wants my attention every now and then. It's usually to turn around and give me a hug, feed me some Cheerios from her bowl, or beg for some of my Cheerios."

However, Bethany's morning time with Ellie goes far beyond just sharing cereal. Once again paraphrasing from Bethany. "I always read a Psalm aloud during that time. Hopefully she'll let me keep doing so and someday she'll begin to realize the importance of my daily bible reading. That'd be a good chance to share the gospel with her."

Honestly, this conversation with my wife made me extremely proud of her. Not only is her faith still of utmost importance to her, but she is taking strides to share said faith with Ellie on a daily basis. 

I love the relationship my two girls are developing with each other and hope they'll continue to be close in the years ahead. Or you know, at least until Ellie's teenage years when she decides it's more fun to hate everyone. 

That'll be fun, right? #DaddyWrite

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