Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Day 267 - The Competitive Hugging Circuit is Competitive

I can't exactly say if this occurred throughout the entirety of my life, but I remember in my early days of college, my parents seemingly had a little "rivalry" going on over me. For example, if I called my dad and chatted with him exclusively on my way to or from class, he'd always brag about it to my mother, making her slightly jealous in the process. I can't be 100% positive that little "rivalry" went both ways but I think it's funny nonetheless. 

I bring this up because Bethany and I already are getting to experience those nice little moments of "rivalry" pertaining to Ellie. Of course, since Bethany heads to work each day, it means I generally take the advantage in our little competition.  Not that I'd be the type of person to rub it in or anything. That'd be horrible to do to my wife. Although, it should be said that Ellie seemingly has always liked Bethany a little more.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering just what kind of things we are competing over. Well, the most recent thing is over one of Ellie's new tricks. It may be bold, but I actually think this is Ellie's cutest trick yet. What exactly is the trick you say? Simple, Ellie has learned how to give hugs.

Wrong kind of hug...

The whole hugging trend began simply enough. Since I spend so much time laying on the floor, it enables Ellie to play and interact with me very easily. One day as I was laying there, propping myself up on one arm, Ellie toddled over to me. She then wrapped both arms around my head and squeezed tightly. She even patted my head affectionately. While I thought this was cute enough, it would get cuter.

Over the weekend, I rescued Ellie from her crib after she woke up from a nap. Holding her in my arms, I began to walk down the hallway and was immediately stopped in my tracks. Ellie had wrapped both arms tightly around my neck and buried her head in the crook of my neck. She then leaned back and smiled big at me before hugging me again. While I could have just kept that secret to myself, I was so excited that I wanted to tell Bethany immediately. Her response was definitely one of disappointment that she hadn't yet experienced Ellie hugs.

Over the span of the next couple of days, I enjoyed plenty an Ellie hug to the disappointment of my wife. She was happy for me but definitely disappointed for herself. Bethany even tried begging Ellie for a hug every time she held her. Ellie's response? Trolling my wife in typical Ellie fashion. Finally, on Saturday night when being carried to her room by Bethany, Ellie wrapped both arms around her mother and hugged her tight before being put down in her crib for the night.

I'm certainly a huge fan of Ellie's newfound propensity for hugging. Although it's difficult to get one out of her with any consistency, I would argue there's no feeling better than a baby hug. I've had sloppy baby kisses, lots of snuggles, and naps on my belly. However, there's something about your child actually being able to show love in that manner that is very special.

Especially when you were able to experience them all by yourself for a few days before your wife. #DaddyWrite

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