Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 199 - Insurance, Infants, and I

I'm just going to tell you straight up that this could easily be the weirdest start to a #DaddyWrite post ever. However, I'm still going to roll with it because I find myself unable to think of anything better. Is that cool with all of you? Hopefully so.

I love insurance. For real. I like knowing that whenever I get sick and have to see a doctor, I'm not going to have to sell everything I own just to pay bills like Denzel Washington in 'John Q'. Same thing goes for my car and home insurance. If for any reason either of the two are destroyed, I wouldn't end up completely up a creek. I would at least be able to afford a 1982 Ford Pinto or something of the sort. And no, I cannot confirm the existence of the Pinto nameplate in 1982 off the top of my head. 

Apparently one can use a Ford Pinto as a firestarter when necessary.

Also of note is the beauty that is dental insurance. As in the dental insurance I used today to pay for my six-month checkup. Boom, that's a transition right there! To tell the truth, I'd been slightly worried about this checkup for quite a while. Not because I had a cavity or anything (because my teeth are structurally perfect despite not being perfectly straight). Instead, I was worried because I knew that I'd be leaving Ellie with a babysitter for a few hours.

I should lead with the fact that I was not concerned for Ellie because of who I was leaving her with. I left her with a friend, Emily, who lives just a few streets away so I knew Ellie would be fine. However, I was more filled with concern for poor Emily because I know how Ellie can be a complete handful to deal with at times. Seriously, she's kind of like a real-life Jack-Jack from 'The Incredibles'.

With my appointment scheduled for 10 am, I knew I needed to have Ellie dropped off with Emily around 9:30 to give myself plenty of time to get to the office. As I handed Ellie over to Emily, I knew she'd be fine. However, I still found myself giving a completely unnecessary laundry list of instructions to a woman who has successfully raised two children of her own. Finally, Emily reassured me that everything would be just fine and that if Ellie got upset, she'd be able to deal with it. With that, I backed out of the driveway and headed to the dentist office.

Honestly, I forget sometimes just how easy it used to be for to pick up and do things pre-Ellie. By this I mean, once my cleaning was done, I took advantage of the time away from my daughter to get some errands done. Ironically, those errands involved purchasing some needed items for Ellie at Target but such is the life of a father. After finishing up at Target, I then headed to the bank to deposit a pair of checks before it was time to pick up Ellie. Somewhat sadly for me, I was unable to deposit my checks as I spent ten minutes standing in line behind the couple applying for a car loan at a super-market bank location before I finally decided to leave.

I would have had more patience with the dog...

I then headed to Emily's to retrieve Ellie just as I had promised. Honestly, I half-expected to hear that Ellie had screamed for two hours straight as I walked up to the front door. Imagine my surprise when Emily answered the door with a smiling Ellie in her arms and nothing but good things to say. Apparently Ellie had only had a few 10-second meltdowns but was otherwise good. She had spent some time exploring and watching the older kids play Xbox Kinect. In fact, I knew things must have gone really well when I saw Ellie reaching out for Emily as we were leaving.

Honestly, I couldn't be more proud of Ellie for being really good over those two hours. It's easy as a parent to expect the worst regarding your child. Especially if your child has earned her reputation of being difficult. Instead, seeing that Ellie did well gave me an incredible peace of mind. You know, kind of like the same peace of mind my insurance gives me? 

It's just nice to know as a stay-at-home parent that there are plenty of people who I can leave my daughter with for a couple of hours as necessary. Now I just need to get over my weird pride and actually ask those people for help when necessary. Oh, who am I kidding? That's easier said than done for me. #DaddyWrite

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