Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 190 - Day 187 (Yes, the title is Day 187)

As Bethany would be more than happy to tell you, I often fail to properly read things before diving headfirst into a project. Now, I would hate for you to make the same mistake with this particular blog post. Therefore, I offer up the following important disclaimer for this particular edition of #DaddyWrite. 

You see, there are times where I simply don't have a whole heaping ton to write about for a certain day with Ellie. That's especially true in a week such as this when she's been super, mega grouchy more often than not. As a result, I find myself pulling from a past experience instead of just utilizing the current day. In addition, I find myself feeling unusually creative today. What to do, what to do? I guess I'll just be creative and work as many references to 'Back to the Future' as I can into this edition of #DaddyWrite. After all, that's the mature thing to do.

First of all, we must take ourselves back in time to Friday, June 7th. Hardly a date of cosmic significance. No, instead it marked another rite of passage for young Ellie; her first time garage saleing (and yes, I'm fully aware that saleing is not spelled like that). As Ellie grows, we become aware there are things here and there that would be handy to have for her. In this instance, I was specifically searching for an umbrella stroller, any age-appropriate toys she might like, and some good quality pajamas if available. So with that in mind, we set out through our neighborhood. You know, not in a DeLorean, but on foot with Ellie in her stroller.

It didn't take long for us to stumble across the first garage sale as it was only four or five doors down the street from our house. I will say that I vastly underestimated just how difficult it would be to get a stroller around the tiny walkways available at garage sales. I mean, it's not like I'm trying to acquire plutonium in 1985, but it is hard. It's especially more difficult once you consider Ellie's desire to reach and try to touch as much as possible. Luckily, we made like a leaf and got outta there without Ellie pulling anything off the tables. Even though we were unable to find anything on the list, I did procure three 1000-piece puzzles for the bank-breaking sum of $0.50. That's $0.40 to $0.44 higher than the cost of a Coke in 1955!

With that, Ellie and I set out to the second garage sale on our street. Despite the presence of a lot of kids' clothing and toys, I saw nothing that Ellie just had to have. Truth be told, Ellie probably would have enjoyed having anything she could have touched. As we left the garage sale, I was met with two choices. Either I could return home or Ellie and I could set out upon the road to see if we could discover any additional garage sales. Since it was a nice day (and the earth's gravitational pull wasn't making things too heavy), we set out down the road to see what we could find. Unfortunately for us, we wouldn't find any more garage sales along the way.

It's not to say it was all in vain though. I mean, I wouldn't want to set the time circuits and go back in time to keep us from going on said walk. A nice gooey cookie from Casey's paired with a Mello Yello will do that for you. I will say that I did feel a little bad eating the cookie in front of Ellie without sharing. Just a few more weeks though and she'll get her very own birthday cupcake. That'll be something worth writing about and possibly even worth filling up Mr. Fusion to go see.  

By the way, thanks for reading and indulging me in my little project to combat boredom. Hopefully it helped you combat some boredom as well. If not, well, I guess you need to get Doc Brown to help you with that...#DaddyWrite

A very pressing question indeed, Doc...

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