Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Day 185 - Ellie Eats Nuggets

Ok, it's time for audience participation. I've been writing to y'all intermittently for somewhere in the neighborhood of 185 days. I say somewhere because I want to leave the possibility open of me screwing up on counting days at some point. If I wanted to ensure accuracy, then I probably should have been scratching tally marks into some tree a'la Tom Hanks in Cast Away. As I failed to accomplish that, then you just have to take me at my word when I tell you the number of days.

Congrats Tom. You've made it twelve days. Good for you!

Where was I? Oh yes, audience participation. Raise your hand if you like to eat out (side note, it'd warm my heart if someone, somewhere is actually raising their hand). I know that I always enjoy to eat out for several reasons. Among those reasons is the fact that there's no preparation, it's normally tasty (and likely bad for me), and I get out of the house for a while. 

Normally, I've been the only one getting to partake in the meals when we eat out. Ellie has been resigned to sitting and watching me eat while hoping I'll take pity and throw her a scrap. Well, that is the case no longer as today marked the first time I purchased food from a restaurant earmarked for Ellie and Ellie alone.

Per normal protocol, exposition first (I just really wanted to use 'exposition' instead of 'background'). Bethany has been a loyal user of the Chick-Fil-A Rewards App since they opened a location on Barry Road. She especially loved the freebies that came along with it. Now that her company has moved to Kansas, it's really not feasible for Bethany to eat out for lunch as often. That's especially true as most of her co-workers have short lunch breaks now. Therefore, I'm now the one to reap the benefits of the freebies. Muhaha!

With a free BBQ Chicken Sandwich to her name that expired on Friday, Bethany knew it was unlikely she would use it and gave me the green light to take advantage. So, once Ellie woke up from her mid-morning nap, we loaded up and headed to Chick-Fil-A to grab some lunch. Now obviously, I was already planning on my sandwich, as well as a Cherry Coke and some waffle fries. Per Bethany's suggestion, I decided to treat Ellie to her own order of chicken nuggets. 

After getting our meal, Ellie and I sat down at a table (with the assistance of Ellie's honorary "aunt", Tabi, who was working and spied us entering on the security camera). Now, if you know Ellie, you know that she is often transfixed by everything happening around her when in a public setting. Therefore, I really wondered just how successful I would be in my attempt to feed her something new. Especially with her history of refusing to eat new foods for me. To my surprise, Ellie was completely transfixed on the nuggets as soon as I removed them from the packaging and began slicing them up with a plastic knife. She even made desperate grasps at the tray to pull the food nearer to her. 

There is no significance to this gif outside of the nuggets. I just find it super confusing and therefore feel compelled to share.

Finally, I handed her the first tiny piece of nugget and watched to gauge her reaction. Ellie rolled the nugget around in her mouth to confirm that she did indeed want to try eating it. Then, after passing the first test, Ellie began chomping up and down ferociously before finally swallowing. She then turned back to me with her mouth wide open, excitedly demanding more. Before I knew it, Ellie had eaten four chicken nuggets, several of my fries, and part of my bun. This all in addition to the yogurt/applesauce concoction she consumed before leaving for the restaurant. 

Overall, I think I would call Ellie's first fast food order to be a success. We got to see both Tabi and Malachi by the time it was finished. I also got to eat food that is less than optimal for me. Better yet, I got to introduce precious Ellie to the wonders of processed food. What baby doesn't want to experience that? #DaddyWrite

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