Thursday, May 4, 2017

Day 168 - Dry Clean Only?

I may have finally reached that moment. I knew it would come eventually but it took me until day 168 to reach this point. I, uh, don't really remember what Ellie-related topics I've broached and what ones I've ignored up to this point. Yes, there's a plethora of nice stories about me taking Ellie on walks. There are some nice stories about me taking her to a store. There's occasional stories about her melting down and hating life. There's even stories about the epic nastiness that lies within her diapers. However, for the life of me, I can't remember if I've written about the story that lies before you. Also, I couldn't find it when reviewing past blog posts. Perhaps there is a downside to the somewhat random form of naming I've embraced on #DaddyWrite. 

It never ceases to amaze me just how easy Ellie is to entertain. I know for a fact I've written about her magic box of junk mail and old wrapping paper in our living room that always brings her joy. There's other things she enjoys. The concept of opening and closing our kitchen cabinets has become an easy distraction for her, especially when she's sad. Not to mention just looking out the window and watching the world pass her by. However, Ellie's favorite activity of all is doing the laundry. 

Now, by that, I don't mean she does the laundry by herself. Although that would be really incredible. I feel like that's a talent I could market and sell (Come see the amazing laundry baby. Tickets are only $19.95 for adults and $9.95 for children). No, she more just loves helping me do the laundry. You're currently thinking something along the lines of "How does an infant help do the laundry?" 

Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't look like this...

Easy, once the washer has completed its cycle, I crack open the door and stand back for a minute. Inevitably, Ellie will stand up and begin yanking clothes out. Not only that but she will pass them up to me as I stuff them inside the dryer. I even make certain to tell her "Thank you" after each piece of laundry is received because I don't want her to feel unappreciated. Once that task is done, I turn the dryer on and let it run. When it finishes is when the fun really starts.

Since she won't get wet, I actually place Ellie inside the dryer as I unload. While it seems really weird to place my baby in the dryer (I don't turn it on, I swear), she loves it. In fact, she actually starts to hoard socks and underwear as soon as I place her inside. Don't ask me why those are her favorites. I'm guessing that they are just the lightest weight items for her to grab.

Hey look, it's a baby in a dryer...

Once all of the heavy stuff is out, Ellie gets to come out of the dryer and I hold her as we unload her personal stash. One by one, I'll pull items out and hand them to Ellie. She then promptly drops each item into the laundry basket at my feet. The best part is the cute baby laugh that accompanies each successful drop.

I feel like I have a great long-term social experiment ahead of me. Simply put, how long will Ellie be intrigued by laundry? Better yet, how long will she want to actively participate in laundry day? When I was younger, you couldn't pay me enough to do my own laundry. I was more likely to perform the sniff test to see if I could get away with wearing something. As luck would have it though, I don't think women participate in the sniff test. At least not that I have noticed. #DaddyWrite

P.S. Sorry if you've heard something along the lines of this story before. My lack of imagination can't be helped... 

I think that might be the American dream...

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