Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Day 89 - The One Where We Implode a Las Vegas Casino (Hypothetically)

Revelation time.  I have a really short attention span.  For real.  Bethany can tell me something or give me a special task to complete.  The kicker is that within five to eight minutes, I will have completely forgotten what it was.   For example.

"Jesse, will you do the dishes?"
"Of course, love."
(3 hours later) "I'm not trying to be the nagging wife, but are you actually going to do those dishes?"
"Of course, love.  I just got distracted by that dime on the floor in the corner of our living room so I went to pick it up.  Then on my way to put it in the piggy bank, I looked out the window and saw a lady walking her Husky.  Did you know that Huskies are really pretty dogs?  Especially the eyes.  Then, we decided to watch Netflix for a while since we have thirteen seasons of 'NCIS' to finish.  Now you're getting ready for bed.  Oh, hey, I found a dime in my pocket.  Isn't that cool?"

Tell the truth, wife.  You've wanted to do this to me plenty of times.  ;)

Now, maybe I'm not really that bad, but I do have my moments from time to time where my memory actually plays relatively closely to that.  Don't worry; as long as I'm properly motivated and focused, I'll get things accomplished when I'm supposed to do so.  Point time.  It's interesting how even as a baby, Ellie can be laser-focused on something for extremely long periods of time without distraction.  Or she can act like a baby and be distracted by everything.  It actually varies which road she'll go down from day to day as well.

Today was definitely one of those days where Ellie showed her ability to focus in on something to an excellent degree.  Since she has learned to sit upright all on her own, we've actively been trying to engage her in activities while sitting.  For example, one of Ellie's favorite things to do while sitting is to play with either a set of rubber blocks she got for Christmas or with a set of stacking cups that can make a tower.  Basically, as fast as Bethany or I can build a tower, Ellie will swing either her fist or another toy into the tower and happily watch it topple.  

Too bad she didn't assemble this tower on her own.  That'd be really cool!

The thing about this game (Block Attack?  Tower Topple?  Queen of Tokyo?) is that it actually seems to have no end.  I will normally reach my fill of this game long before she will.  Sometimes I try to get on my phone, but Ellie is really not a fan of that.  She knows when she doesn't have my full attention and doesn't like it.  The only answer is to actually find ways to placate myself while entertaining her.  One of my answers is to start figuring out various ways to stack them.  How precarious can I make the positioning of the tower?  How high can I go?  Can I intermingle the blocks and cups to make a super-structure?  (Why yes, I did love 'Jenga' as a kid.  Why do you ask?)  I'll even resort to earthquake testing my own ingenious structures by pounding on the floor and seeing if it falls (Spoiler alert, it pretty much always falls). 

Should have kept three on the bottom there, Mitt.

Believe it or not, I actually love playing this little game with her.  I see just how excited she gets each time she causes the tower to topple over.  A smile will spread across her face and she will screech excitedly almost every time.  That alone makes it worth it.  I also enjoy the mental picture I have of her future career blowing up outdated casinos in Las Vegas making way for newer, grander, and shinier ones in their place.  It'll be lucrative and maybe she'll even let me push the button since I'm the man who inspired her.  #DaddyWrite

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