Monday, January 30, 2017

Day 106 - Uneven Terrain Ahead

Every so often there's an eventful story from a day at home with Ellie that I don't tell Bethany about right away.  I just wait on it for a bit and toss it up on a blog post.  Believe me, it's worth it to hear her reaction once she finally reads it.  It's generally along the lines of "You didn't tell me that happened" or "I absolutely cannot believe that occurred".  If it makes things seem a little better, I do at least warn her when one of those stories is coming around the bend.  That way, she's not totally shocked whenever she reads it.  Although, that thought process normally just gets me something along the lines of "Can't you just tell me now?".  Yes, I could.  Will I?  No.  No, I will not.

If you've been reading #DaddyWrite for any length of time (or you're even remotely familiar with me as a human being), then you know that I possess a natural clumsiness that is second-to-none.  Maybe clumsiness isn't the appropriate term here.  It's more of an inability to proceed with caution, even when the situation might merit it, that leads me into potential ruin.  Seriously, I find myself bounding down stairs at ridiculous rates of speed.  It's like I believe the 'Lucky Charms' leprechaun is waiting at the base of the staircase with a pot of gold with my name on it.  And if I don't make it down there a whole four and half seconds sooner than I would at a normal rate of speed, then he's going to take it away and give it to Tom Selleck for mustache styling gel or something.

They're magically delicious...

The lone exception to this rule happens to be when I'm carrying Ellie.  Believe me, I know that I'm carrying precious cargo when she's in my arms and legitimately don't want anything bad to happen to her.  I'm going to take them one step at a time.  I'll even use the handrail to provide extra stabilization.  I'm proud to admit that I actually haven't had an issue with her in my arms over the past seven months of her life.  Which is more than you can say for our previous laptop (Oh, HP laptop with remote control.  Why did this world take you so young?). 

On Friday, Ellie was in a fantastic mood so I decided to try and take a few pictures of her to celebrate her seven-month anniversary of being alive (don't feel like I can say 'birthday' if it's not actually her birthday).  I picked Ellie up in my right arm and proceed through our kitchen to the stairwell.  As my foot hits the second step, I feel my heel sliding forward and losing precious traction on the carpet.  At this point, I know all hope is lost; I'm going down.  I begin to rapidly evaluate the situation and realize that Ellie and I are destined to fall forward instead of backwards though.  Thus, the situation becomes desperate.  I thrust my left arm out to grab the handrail just as we begin to fall.  It works but now I find myself twisting violently in the air with only my firm grasp on the rail saving us from certain peril.  I seriously felt like Tom Cruise hanging off a mountain in 'Mission: Impossible 2' for a brief moment.

With Ellie in my right arm, I'm kind of in a rough situation.  My left arm is the only thing stopping us from falling down the staircase the rest of the way, but I have no way to get myself up.  Finally, I begin to roll myself onto my stomach in an attempt to use my knees to push myself up, all while continuing to hold Ellie.  Finally after what seemed like hours (probably only 45 seconds), I maneuvered myself to my stomach and pushed myself up with my knees.  Of course, in doing so, I also pushed Ellie's head straight into the handrail.  Poor baby.  She hadn't actually cried during the ordeal and now found herself driven to tears in the closing moments.

There is one good thing about this situation that I realized though.  People have always said that when you have a child, you'd literally die for them.  Well, I hadn't really felt that way.  Probably because I hadn't been in a situation where it had necessitated it.  Now, I still don't know about the dying part, but I would definitely throw myself down a flight of stairs for Ellie any day of the week.  That much is for certain.  After all, can't be worse than the time I bruised a rib on that same staircase, right?  #DaddyWrite

So you can hire just the mustache?

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