Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day 204 - Know Your Roll...

I'm a firm believer in irony. You know, a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. 

Side note, sometimes I feel like it makes me come off more intelligent to literally copy and paste a definition into a blog post. Is that the case or does it instead just make me seem clichéd and pedantic. By the way, pedantic - overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching. Hey, at least I'm being consistent with overbearing amounts of definitions. 

Ok, back on topic. I'm a firm believer in irony because pretty much every time I say or believe something is going to happen, the opposite occurs. I promise, this all will relate to Ellie. 

Please, go faster...

It's no secret that a part of me really hopes Ellie ends up as a tomboy. You see, I love my daughter and I want her to be her own person. I just hope she's a person that I can find a lot of common ground with. A person that will also be easy for me to relate to. That being said, I'm fully prepared for her to turn into a girly girl because #irony. However, occasionally I see these nice glimmers of hope that allow me to believe that won't be the case. Today was one of those.

I've mentioned Ellie's deep affinity for her ball pit a time or two. Seriously, the girl absolutely loves it. It's to the point that anytime we've been away from home, as soon as she's free from her car seat, Ellie will frolic up the staircase in search of her spherical nirvana. Once she's there, it's no shocker to see her begin tossing balls out of the pit all over the living room floor. Before I know it, there will be 125 balls covering our living room floor.

Today, I found myself returning the balls to the pit as Ellie watched on with great satisfaction. Normally, I just toss them all in with the occasional one being flung at my daughter for fun. Hey, don't judge me; the balls are really soft plastic. For a change of pace, I decided it was time to try a new game with Ellie: catch. Now, by no means does Ellie have the gracefulness and ability required to properly play catch. However, that doesn't mean that she can't engage in a fun game of "Roll the ball across the carpet to Daddy and he'll roll it back to you once he receives it". Now, I doubt that's the proper name for this game hence me calling it catch. 


After rolling five or eight balls in her direction, Ellie finally realized the point of the game was not to eat said balls. Instead, she eventually rolled the ball back in my general direction. Not only did she roll the ball in my direction, but she actually laughed and smiled while doing so. A couple more instances of her doing the same confirmed to me that Ellie knew the point of the game. In fact, she was engaged by this game for almost 20 minutes.

Eventually Ellie became bored of the game and instead picked up the ball in an attempt to toss it to me. Unfortunately for her, she throws like a baby girl at this point in time. I'm pretty sure I can coach that out of her with a little patience. First we'll ditch the baby part and then we'll work on the whole throwing like a girl thing. After all, I do need her to have an arm I can be proud of.  #DaddyWrite

For the record, this is a throw I could be proud of...

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