Friday, June 9, 2017

Day 192 - Balling Like a Baller

Question, how young is too young for one to suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? I'm not asking for myself or anything; I'm asking for a friend. One that may or may not be about two feet tall and may or may not weigh a little over 16 pounds. This hypothetical human being (or is it?) could also have blonde hair and blue eyes. It's primary mode of transportation could be via four limbs. By the criteria given, it's possible I'm referring to a small dog or a cat. Ok, you caught me. It's Ellie that I'm asking for. Truth be told, I'm doubting she's suffering from OCD. It's much more likely that it's some kind of weird side effect of being a baby. Confused yet? Let me explain further.

On Saturday, I found something while garage saleing (again with the saleing?) that I was absolutely certain Ellie would enjoy. Any guesses what it was? I can wait a minutes (or at least 56 seconds) while you get your guesses in.

Ok, I won't leave you in anticipation any longer. The item that I procured for Ellie was a package of 125 plastic balls for the negotiated sum of $2. To calm your fears, these are balls somewhat like what you would find in a ball pit at a fast food establishment. There's absolutely no way she could swallow one short of unhinging her jaw like a python and just cramming it in. Anyway, after Bethany washed the balls up in the bathtub, we actually dumped all 125 into a small travel bed of Ellie's for her to play in. Actually that's a small lie. Before putting them in the travel bed, I purposely turned the bag of balls upside down and watched each and every ball cascade down the stairwell into the living room below to Ellie's great amusement. Truth be told, I greatly enjoyed it as well.

Ellie has absolutely taken to her ball pit since Saturday. She can crawl in and out of it whenever she wishes so it's not like she's trapped. One of her favorite things to do is to throw herself down into the pit while Bethany or I bury her under a small mountain of colorful spheres. Then, she'll happily emerge from underneath the pile with a broad smile across her face and both tiny arms raised in elation. Then she'll flop back down for it to happen over and over again.

Wait, so all of these balls are mine?

While that was a  great game, Ellie's now discovered a brand new game to play in the ball pit. However, I can't say I enjoy this one nearly as much as she does. Today, Ellie climbed into the pit just as she always would. Instead of throwing herself down, she sat upright and looked around at the balls completely surrounding her. Then, with the smoothest of motions, she reached down and plucked one blue ball. She rolled it back and forth in her tiny hands before calmly dropping it outside the box. She followed that up by picking up a yellow ball and dropping it outside the box. 

Ellie would repeat this procedure 122 more times until only one green ball remained in the box. She then carefully extricated herself from the box before reaching back in, grabbing the green ball and carefully depositing it on the floor. She followed that up by looking around the living room at the mass of balls surrounding her, laughing at the havoc she had wrought. Then, she crawled out of the living room towards the kitchen, likely on a mission to see what havoc she could cause next. In case you're wondering, I did not pick up the 125 balls. Instead, I waited until Bethany got and outsourced it to her.

I know it's pretty unlikely my baby has OCD. However, the patience and determination she showed in removing 125 balls from a box in one sitting cannot be underestimated. I guess if nothing else, Ellie just wanted to ensure that she had a clean box. After all, aren't boxes meant to be completely void of anything inside? Oh wait, they're not? Guess I need to communicate that to my daughter...#DaddyWrite

As long as Ellie's not doing this, I probably don't need to be concerned. Right?

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