Thursday, February 23, 2017

Day 120 - Baby's First Fine Italian Cuisine

Whenever I sit down to work on #DaddyWrite, the very first thing that I want to do is come up with a hook.  You know, the sharp, pointy object used to catch fish?  The short punch used in boxing?  The thing that takes up residence on the left hand of Peter Pan's antagonist?  No, none of those are remotely accurate.  Something that attracts attention or serves as an enticement?  Hey, that's it.  **Sigh of relief**  I didn't think we were going to discover the correct meaning of 'hook'.  Oh yes, in case you're wondering, the purpose of that little tangent was solely meant to fill some space because I had no idea for how to begin this blog post (I could just dive into the meat of it, but like a singer needs to warm up her voice, I need to

The last couple of days have actually been really eventful for Ellie and me. While I actually hadn't set out to fill them, sometimes things happen.  There's nothing wrong with that though.  I knew Tuesday that our schedule would be a little full since I was meeting a buddy for a business lunch.  Wait, hold on.  Business lunch?  Ok, maybe I oversold that because there's no money involved; just a bunch of freelance writing.  I'll take it though.  Beggars can't be choosers.  Of course, as my partner-in-crime, Ellie was along for the ride!  And boy, did we ride.  

The Venn Diagram confirms it once and for all that beggars cannot be choosers.

After meeting John at a Dunkin' Donuts, we decided that the mature thing to do was to not eat our weight in donuts for lunch.  Taking that into account, I loaded Ellie back up and headed down the street to White Horse Pub for some quality Americanized British food.  Imagine our surprise when we arrived and the restaurant was closed on Tuesdays.  With no other recourse, we headed back to Dunkin' Donuts to eat our weight in tasty, doughy goodness.  Actually that's a lie.  We just went to Minsky's to get pizza instead.  Sorry.

It's actually a blast to take Ellie out to eat right now.  She's grown enough and has good enough control that she can sit upright in a restaurant's child seat with absolutely no issues.  Of course, the one downside of that is that she has a desire to try and dig her little meat hooks (Bah!) into everything on the table.  Knowing that was the case, I asked the nice staff at Minsky's for a package of crackers to feed Ellie.  Imagine my surprise when I instead received a breadstick for her. 

America.  Land of the free and home of the brave...breadstick.

Like any good dad, my first inclination was to just shove it in there and see what happened.  Needless to say, Ellie was not a fan of the combination of Italian seasoning and hard crust (Weird baby).  Taking that into account, I instead performed brief surgery, carefully scraping the crust from the top and bottom of the breadstick, leaving only the soft, doughy interior.  Luckily for me, Ellie found that flavor to be a better fit for her palate.  Before I knew it, I had fed her the entire breadstick and she was doing whatever the baby equivalent of rubbing her belly in satisfaction is.  Shortly thereafter, John and I finished our meals and parted ways.  

I'm absolutely in love with the fact that Ellie loves to be out and about so much right now.  I don't find myself checking my ankle to make sure I'm not on house arrest anymore.  The one negative is that if I'm spending so much time out and about, then all fourteen of my faithful readers will suffer from a less-than-compelling first paragraph.  It's just like fishing; sometimes you'll get hooked, other times you won't (#BadJoke).  #DaddyWrite

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