Friday, February 10, 2017

Day 114 - The One With Little to No Baby Mentions...

Please don't be frightened.  Oops, now you're wondering if you should be frightened.  You've probably already began to wonder, "Should I really scroll any further down on this page?"  Or "Is Jesse going to share some deeply buried and disturbing secret?"  Perhaps, you're wondering "Do I need to have the phone close by to call somebody if things go south here?"  Well, allow me to tell you straight up.  You might very well have to do all of those things.  


You see, more often than not #DaddyWrite is about Ellie.  Probably about 90% Ellie and 10% me.  Or 70% Ellie and 30% me.  No more than 60/40 though.  At least I assume that's the case.  I refuse to do a statistical study as to whom the main "character" of my blog is.  Nope, not happening.  The statistical part of my life ended my freshman year of college.  If you really need that information, contact my brother-in-law, Ryan the actuary.  I'm sure he'd be thrilled to make that happen for you... 

Contact Ryan for all your actuary needs.

Well, today is one of those days where I just need to share some confusion that I have about the world.  I mean, I could write about Ellie yelling at me this morning, but then being happy in the afternoon.  Or about how we went on an hour and a half walk that included the park and Casey's.  Or even about how while she was at the park, Ellie got to go down a tornado slide (on my lap of course).  But does anyone really want to hear cute stories of a baby outside.  As if.  Strictly passé.  So instead I'll write about something that I saw on that very walk that confused me greatly.

Have you ever seen one of those things that just really made you scratch your head and go, "Huh?".  Today Ellie and I were on the very walk that I alluded to earlier.  If you need a timeline, pre-park and pre-Casey's, post leaving home.  If you know the area in which we live, then you realize one of the first things that you come to is an Autozone.  I normally don't give the Autozone much attention when I travel by.  That is unless it's to make fun of the 52nd Staley High School car wash fundraiser of the year.  

When I walked by today, I noticed that there was a glass repair service on sight fixing a broken pane of glass on the side of the building.  My first thought was "Some young hooligan must have thrown a rock at it." (Why yes, I do live in a neighborhood with old people.  Why do you ask?)  As I got closer, my thoughts changed.  I noticed that behind the glass pane they had taken down was nothing but a stone wall.  Seriously.  

Hey look. A photo borrowed from Google Street!

Can someone please explain the reasoning to me for why a panel of glass resembling a tinted window is installed on the side of a building?  I realize that there is a certain aesthetic value to seeing "windows" on every side of a building.  It gives that impression that you're not trapped inside a stone box with only one way in and out like some kind of zoo animal.  Better yet, can someone explain to me how I never noticed that there were only windows on the front of the building whenever I've been in there.  Not only do I feel incredibly unperceptive right now but I also feel mildly misled by the fine people at Autozone.

Yes, you Autozone!

I'm just wondering what else have I thought was one thing that was really something else?  Do I really have to confirm the status of a window whenever I go into a store from this point forward?  If so, that's going to get really old, really fast.  I can't even imagine how the baby will feel about this when she gets old enough to notice.  It'll be like everything she knows is wrong.  Or more likely, she won't care in the least and will think her dad is slightly off-kilter.  #DaddyWrite

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