Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 111 - Table Manners 101

Do you ever just feel lied to?  (Yes?  No?  Maybe?  Taco?)  I've got to admit there are times I've had that feeling at points in time throughout my life.  For example, that time when Mrs. Logsdon swore up and down that I would have a use for Algebra in everyday life.  Also, there was that one time in Nashville where a old, disheveled man stood on a soapbox (literally) and screamed at me that the end was nigh.  I mean, I know there's an end, but that was over seventeen years ago.  

Joey Gladstone speaks the truth...

I could keep going but I'll only thrill you with one more tale of lies.  This being the time that all forms of media claimed I would be involved in a food fight at least once in my life.  Most likely in middle school, high school, or college.  I'm sorry to say I'm still waiting for that one to occur.  However, with Ellie eating solid food now, I'm guessing she will do her part to make that a reality sooner rather than later.

Honestly, I love the fact that Ellie is eating solid food now.  It's really enjoyable to see her reactions to anything that she's tasting.  Oh, how I'll never forget the sight of peas and tears dripping from her face at the same time.  It was certainly a special day and one that's going in the graduation slideshow.  However, there is one thing about Ellie eating solid food that's actually kind of bothering me.  That one thing is her absolute lack of table manners!

Clearly, my house IS fancy

I know what you're thinking.  Jesse, she's a seven-month old; you're supposed to be the one teaching her table manners.  My response?  That's scary seeing as how I'm occasionally guilty of talking with my mouth full and placing my elbows on the table (Don't do that last one at a Japanese restaurant) while eating.  I understand that she will learn all of these things with time, but right now, mealtime is a pretty gross venture.

For example, Ellie's really in a stage where she likes to try and feed herself.  No big shocker there.  What's surprising is how she will literally intercept the spoon like a defensive back intercepting a football only to jam it square into the side of her face leaving a trail of mush smeared down her cheek.  If the mush just remained on her cheek, it wouldn't be an big issue.  You see, poor Ellie doesn't like the feeling of food smeared across her face.  Therefore, before I can get a napkin or washcloth to her cheek, she will often just turn her little head to the side and wipe it all over her high chair.  Nasty, right?  

But wait, there's more!  (I've always wanted to say that.)  As Ellie remains a toothless wonder at this time, she struggles with keeping food in her mouth.  That's never more evident than when feeding her bananas.  They will continually tumble out of her mouth while she attempts to pulverize them into mush just using the strength of her jaw.  Ellie does have a failsafe that she uses to attempt to keep food in her mouth.  She will begin biting down on the tray of her high chair in a desperate attempt to maintain control of her cuisine.  Not only it is ineffective, it's also very messy. 

I know that Ellie will learn fine table manners at some point.  And I will admit that there is a certain amount of humor behind watching her attempt to eat at this point in time.   As for now, I find myself with messy high chair-induced OCD while waiting for that to occur.  At least I know that once Ellie throws the first bit of food at me, then it's on.  FOOD FIGHT!!!  #DaddyWrite

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