Friday, February 17, 2017

Day 118 - Debunking Urban Myths...with a Hammock

One thing that I've always found kind of fascinating are the stories of unexplained phenomenon.  Things along the lines of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, aliens, a good Adam Sandler movie in 2017.  All are equally unexplainable and can't really be proven.  However, I really love it when people try.  Everyone's seen the uneducated guy on the news trying to explain his encounter with Bigfoot.  Take it away, Jim-Jack.

"I tell you what.  When I saws that there Sasquatch, he was headed in a general northish-southish direction.  The weird thing about it is that he done was dressed like my hunting buddy, Cletus.  Come to think of it, I haven't seen Cletus in some while now.  You don't think that Cletus done got attacked by the Sasquatch and stole his clothes, now does you?"  

Come on Jim-Jack. Even Bigfoot thinks you can't be for real.

Unexplained phenomenon indeed.  I bring this up because I was privy to something equally perplexing today.  That being a baby who was happy for almost the entire day from start to finish.

Needless to say, I've found myself becoming quite accustomed to the sound of Ellie crying each day.  At this point it would be hard not to.  Especially given her deep attachment to her mother that results in her having an emotional breakdown whenever Ellie notices that she's gone to work for the day.  #MissingMommy.  That's what made today all the more enjoyable.  I didn't find myself having to resort to finding ways to distract Ellie from her grief.  She was just a genuinely happy baby today.

From the time that she awoke from her morning nap, all Ellie wanted to do was smile and play.  For the first time in a long time, I actually found myself stuck in an infinite loop of stacking blocks and cups for her to knock down time and time again.  After a while, Ellie found herself down on all fours in a crawling stance trying with all of her might to move forward but unable to do so.  Thinking that maybe she just needed someone to show her how, I got down on all fours and began to crawl circles around her.  However, all that did was just make her laugh at me.  I'll take that though.

After Ellie's afternoon nap, I was fully convinced that she would wake up in a sour mood.  After all, I've come to accept the inevitability of her having at least one breakdown each day.  Imagine my surprise when I go to rouse her from her nap only to be met by a huge smile and assorted cute baby noises.  Realizing that we were in uncharted territory, I decided to go ahead and introduce Ellie to the hammock today.  Background, Bethany and I had borrowed a portable hammock from some friends last summer and loved it so much that we decided to buy our own for Christmas.  However, we hadn't had a chance to do so yet because of the weather.

Buy this now. Do it, do it now....I am in no way affiliated with ENO.

First things first.  I had to leave Ellie in her swing while I went outside and hung it in our  backyard.  Only about a five minute process and we were ready to swing.  When I came back inside, imagine my dismay  to find my baby screaming bloody murder from her swing.  My nerves kicked in and I started thinking my relaxing afternoon swaying in a hammock might be over before it ever began.  I sadly picked her up out of her swing for her to stop screaming immediately and resume making cute baby sounds.  At this point, I realized that maybe, just maybe, Ellie was going to be content for an entire day.  

Grabbing Ellie's bucket hat and a couple of her toys, we headed out to the hammock and I laid down first with her sitting upright on my chest.  At first, she was a bit nervous and had to examine the hammock with her little fingers, perhaps to test the integrity.  She would settle down quickly as I gave her one of her toys to play with.  Swinging back and forth, it was really fun to watch her little face staring around at the outdoors surrounding her.  From the subtle shake of tree branches to the squeaking of our fence gate to the fierce drumming of the kid in the garage down the street, Ellie took it all in stride.  

Ellie is pulling that hat off!

After an hour, I decided it was time to take Ellie back inside for the day.  However, I was able to do so with hope.  Hope that my baby having a good attitude was not the equivalent of finding a good Adam Sandler movie in 2017.  Because, well, we all know that would never happen.  #DaddyWrite

The Prosecution rests...

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