Friday, December 16, 2016

Day 79 - Man Card Revocation Procedures 101

One thing about being a stay-at-home dad is that I engage in a lot of trial and error.  Basically, I'll do something the wrong way for an indefinite amount of time.  Eventually, I'll have a little voice in my head click in and say "You could do this better."  Not unlike Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket.  The good thing is that whenever that occurs, I'm not afraid to try a different method.  I figure that the worst that could happen is that my new foolproof method isn't so foolproof.  Today was one of those experiences.  However, I fear that I may have lost my "man card" due to the success of my trial and error.

In doing my very, very thorough research for this piece in order to determine whether or not I had indeed lost my man card, I decided to turn to an extremely scientific source.  That's right; Wikipedia.  Unfortunately, I was met with the following seven words, "The page "Man card" does not exist."  Fortunately, Urban Dictionary had plenty of information on the matter at hand (and some of it was actually clean for once).

  • Man Card - Requirement to be accepted as a respectable member of the male community.  Can and should be revoked by other respectable males for doing non-respectable-male things.

It could be argued that my man card standing was already on shaky ground because of my status as a stay-at-home dad.  Due to input from other men whose opinions I respect, I think it's been ok up to this point.  People generally don't advocate for the removal of someone else's man card for taking care of their child from what I've seen.  It's fairly normal protocol for a dad to change diapers, feed the baby a bottle, or even dress the baby.  

Since the weather began turning colder, it's been more necessary to make sure that Ellie is staying warm enough.  While early on in the season, this was accomplished just by dressing her in long sleeves and making certain she's wearing pants and socks.  Unfortunately, she's recently reached an awkward phase in her development.  The girl just can't find a pair of pants that fit.  I realize that apparently this is an issue for every woman ever but I didn't expect Ellie to run into that problem yet.  Her pants are all either way too short or too big around the waist.  

Why are there no pants style guides for infants?

I figure the lesser of two evils is for Ellie to essentially wear baseball pants as opposed to having them literally fall off of her.  Since that leaves a decent amount of skin below the knee uncovered, I've had to resort to dressing her in tights so that she stays warm.  For the longest time, I attempted to put tights on Ellie in the same method that I would dress her in pants.  In other words, put her feet in the top and slowly try to work one leg down to the foot hole and then repeat.  While that's easy with pants, it's relatively difficult to do with tights.  Yesterday, I finally had this minor revelation though.  Why don't I just smush the leg all together and put her foot in the foot hole to start with and then pull the tights up?  It worked like a dream and a six-minute process was instantly turned into a 30-second process.

When I proudly told Bethany about this, her response was simple.  "Wait, you haven't been doing that all along?"  Then she proceeded to apologize profusely for not teaching me that sooner.  Something that struck me as a major revelation was apparently common sense to her.  Honestly, I feel like me having no clue about the correct way to put tights on until now could save my man card for the time being.  However, if I keep having similarly astute revelations, I don't know if there's any hope for me.  #DaddyWrite

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