Friday, December 9, 2016

Day 75 - I Observe With My Little Eye...

In all of my years, I have had several observations.  One of which being Missouri is simultaneously the coldest and hottest place on Earth.  Why do I live here again?  Oh yeah, I came here to find work initially and now I'm a stay-at-home dad.  I sense irony.  ;)  Another observation; Canadians are good at hockey.  I'm relatively certain they invented it so they should be.  Don't fact check me on that as I haven't done any research to back that up.  For all I know, it could have been invented in Acapulco.  Unlikely, yes, but it's better to put the disclaimer there.  Another observation I've noticed is that people like movies.  At least, I haven't met the person who doesn't enjoy a good movie yet.  I believe that the escapism of it for a short period of time is what makes it enjoyable.  You get an opportunity to forget about whatever is happening in your life for a while.

Just going to leave this right here...

One thing about movies is that is rare to come across one in which a protagonist is not experiencing some form of regret, even if for a short time.  For example, Jason Bourne: regrets killing people and joining Treadstone (He may also regret the alternate ending to his first movie).  Coach Gordon Bombay in The Mighty Ducks: regrets his drinking problem even though it eventually led him to rock bottom (aka coaching pee-wee league hockey) where he could put his life back together again.  Marlin the clown fish: regrets letting Nemo be captured by a scuba-diving dentist.  Ron Burgundy: regrets jumping into the bear exhibit at the zoo.  See regrets are rampant in the movies, point made.  Well, I had a great regret today that began rather simply; I flushed the toliet.

"What?  You flushed the toliet?  Um, how could you?"  Normally that isn't a cause for concern but it is during Ellie's morning nap since the bathroom is basically right above where she sleeps.  The rule of the morning nap is that no noise in the house may be made under any circumstances due to Ellie's light sleeping patterns at the moment.  Unfortunately, I forgot my own rule.  Needless to say, the baby immediately woke up with a loud scream.  As I bounded down the stairs to put a pacifier in her mouth, I accidently broke rule #2; I made eye contact with the baby.  Now see, once Ellie makes eye contact, she knows that you are invested in her plight and she will continue screaming and crying until the end of time if you let her (That might be an exaggeration; she won't be thirteen and crying like that, I hope).  

For an hour following that, I tried everything I could muster to get her back to sleep without success.  Finally, I played my final card; a car ride.  Luckily for me, the moment Ellie hit her car seat, she either knew she was going for a ride or she's just trying to troll me because the crying ceased completely.  I actually feel that my daughter has an innate ability to troll from birth.  Either that or I've been teaching her well.  After all, I have been known to dress her in Mizzou clothes and send photos to her Husker-loving Uncle Ryan.  

M - I - Z...

Unfortunately, Ellie never did fall asleep on her hour-plus ride but at least she didn't start crying again.  Fortunately, I learned a new life lesson that bucks everything I've been taught since childhood.  It also bucks the wise teaching from my college dormitory bathrooms; "Reach, Believe, Succeed, Flush!"  My new life creedo.  "If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If's it brown, let it mellow."  I might need to work on the rhyming scheme a little bit.  Clown, crown, frown, gown...  #DaddyWrite

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