Monday, December 12, 2016

Day 76 - The One with the Shoplifted Cheese (Possibly?)

Sometimes, I like to find myself imagining what the world must be like through Ellie's eyes.  It's probably pretty bright and colorful.  Especially if you consider that most of her toys feature every color of the rainbow.  I don't know exactly how the mind of a baby works.  I mean, does she remember stuff from day-to-day or is each day brand new to her in every way imaginable?  Regardless of those questions, there is a certain importance to tracking some of Ellie's big "firsts" along the way.  That's one of the things that I love about #DaddyWrite.  I have an outlet to not only have fun, but track the first year of Ellie's life in a way that she will hopefully be able to enjoy someday.  So with all of that in mind, today was a big day for Ellie in terms of firsts.  In fact, there are three to enjoy!

"First #1" - Ellie's first "first" of the day is relatively simple but important.  After all, it's not every day that a five month old finds her life's calling.  And what is that calling?  To be the world's greatest hair stylist!  Or just a common barber.  She hasn't decided yet.  For quite a while, Ellie has been intrigued by faces.  She loves to touch everything.  Noses, ears, chin.  She's even shoved her hand in my mouth in an effort to explore.  Today was a new one though.  Ellie really discovered my hair today.  Lucky for me, she didn't pull it...much.  She was much more interested in the texture and feel of it.  After letting her run her little fingers through it until she lost interest (not exactly torture since I love the feeling of having my head scratched), I decided to check it in a mirror.  Ironically, it really didn't look any worse than when I do my own hair.  In fact, except for the milk drool now laced into my hair from her hands, it may have looked better.  She'll start taking appointments next week if anyone's interested.

"First #2" - Ellie's second "first" of the day is actually a more serious one.  A little background first.  Ellie does not like to be carried like a baby.  Meaning she doesn't enjoy being carried in a horizontal, well-supported position.  Instead, she wants to be carried vertical with her head actually above your own shoulder level.  Probably the better to see everything with.  As I was carrying her down the hall for a much-needed diaper change (Ellie was constipated for three days; need I really say more?), I was taken aback by her actions.  She actually encircled her tiny arms around my neck and held them there.  It was her first hug!  Now, I admit that she also did pinch the back of my neck with her tiny little fingers, but I choose to focus on the hugging motion.  Cute, right?

First #3 - And now we reach Ellie's third "first" of the day.  We had to make a quick Walmart run today to pick up our Christmas cards among some other things.  Of course, keep in mind that Ellie's car seat normally rides in the shopping cart on trips like these and really takes up most of the space in doing so.  Once we completed our shopping list, Ellie and I headed for the cashier.  As everything was checked out, Ellie and I headed towards the exit of the store.  Before doing so, I looked down and noticed a package of cheese wedged (see what I did there?) the car seat and the shopping cart.  That's right, Ellie was about to be party to shoplifting for the first time.  Returning to the cashier's stand, I attempted to right my wrong only to have the cashier swear up and down that she had wrung it up and charged me for it, despite it not being on the receipt.  With no other recourse, we headed out of the store with our possibly pilfered cheese and headed for home.

It's interesting to see just how the most unassuming of days can turn into so many first experiences for one little girl.  Her first training for a career, her first hug given, and her first experience shoplifting (maybe).  All clearly special in their own way, right?  #DaddyWrite

Aww, baby's first mugshot...

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