Saturday, October 7, 2023

Day 1,603 - Breakfasts Out and Baking About

I have mixed feelings about days that Ellie and Ethan are both off school. Yes, it’s really special to get to have fun with them outside of our normal routine. However, if we don’t have anything to do with our day, then it will inevitably turn into crying, yelling, complaining, and bellyaching. Oddly enough, even if I do have something planned, the aforementioned crying, yelling, complaining, and bellyaching will likely occur. In other words, there’s no way to avoid said crying, yelling, complaining, and bellyaching so I might as well just have fun in spite of that.

With Ellie being off school on Friday and next Monday due to parent-teacher conferences being held this week, it was only fitting that we do something fun and out of the ordinary. When I asked her what she would like to do with her days off, her initial request was to go to the zoo and see the new aquarium. While I’m always up for a zoo trip, the chilly temperatures and overcast conditions on Friday made that prospect seem like it wouldn’t be as much fun and that Monday might be a better choice. Therefore, I asked her if she had a backup option. After putting in a little thought, Ellie decided it was the perfect day to go eat breakfast at Kate’s Kitchen.

Once Bethany left for work on Friday, the kids and I waited around home until about 9:00 when we decided it was the perfect time to go eat breakfast. When we arrived at Kate’s, it took a few minutes for us to be ushered to our table which ironically, was the exact same booth we sat in the last time we went to Kate’s. My hope with this visit to Kate’s was that I might be able to order one meal for the kids to share off the adult menu. However, Ellie wasn’t having any part of that as she desperately wanted the Kids Waffle meal mostly due to the presence of the whipped cream and berries that adorns it. Since I’m a pushover, of course I gave in and let both Ellie and Ethan order their beloved waffles off the kids’ menu. No worries since we don’t eat out much anyway.

Once we finished our meal, it was time to head home where we would spend most of the day since we are currently having the exterior of our home painted. Of course, I did have one more activity planned to help the day go by quicker. Ellie and I used to have a weekly tradition in our house of “Baking Friday”. That’s largely gone to the wayside in the last year or so due to busyness and the kids being at school. However, during my last shopping trip, I had picked up the ingredients for one of the kids’ favorite desserts, “Beach Cake”. It’s basically dirt cake only with vanilla pudding and graham crackers but still tasty.

Proof that our house is indeed being painted.

The first step was to let the kids take turns chopping up graham crackers in the food processor. Then, I gave each kid a large mixing bowl, a whisk, a box of pudding, and two cups of milk and stood back and watched as they each mixed up their supply of pudding. Then, with that, we put the pudding in the refrigerator to harden for a few minutes before we could finish our dessert. Once the pudding was hardened, it was time to assemble. We first added a graham cracker base to our dish before dumping the first bowl of pudding over the top of it. Ethan then carefully spread the pudding out over the graham crackers before we added another layer of crackers, complete with stray gummy worms for added delight. Then, Ellie took a turn emptying her bowl of pudding over our dessert before we finally topped with the remainder of the graham cracker crumbs and put it in the refrigerator where it would sit until dinner time.

Even though “Beach Cake” isn’t one of the most difficult recipes to make, it certainly helped fill the day for us. Not only that but it reminded me of how much fun it can be to create things with the kids in the kitchen. Also, it most definitely provided us with a tasty treat for after dinner.


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