Saturday, October 21, 2023

Day 1,614 - The "Get Along" Shirt


Let me go ahead and do that again, only louder for people who may not have heard it the first time.


That’s better. You know, sometimes a good sigh can help all that is ailing the soul. Many different things can bring about a sigh such as that. In my experience, it’s caused by some kind of frustration or exasperation otherwise known as Ellie and Ethan.

For the most part, I absolutely love my kids and enjoy spending time with them. However, there are definitely those times when I find myself looking for the nearest corner to hide in or door to run straight out of (probably while screaming). Those times generally happen when Bethany is busy or otherwise indisposed, much like this weekend. Don’t get me wrong; I’m actually stoked that she had the opportunity to get away for an awesome weekend in Branson at our church’s annual women’s retreat. It’s just that nearly four solid days as the only adult in the house can definitely lead one to **sigh**.

As far as Thursday and Friday went, those were fairly simple days. For one thing, Bethany didn’t leave until around noon on Thursday and Ellie spent most of both days at school. Couple those with several park visits and our traditional Thursday night LIFE Group and all was well. Saturday, though, is another story all together. For one thing, the lack of traditional structure means that it’s only a matter of time until the fighting begins.

In case you’re wondering just what time this morning my role as referee began, it was at some point between 6:15 and 6:30. I don’t have a firm window on that because my struggles in sleeping last night kind of resulted in me being slightly tired. I can probably thank Ethan for that since he came to visit several times last night.

Once I was finally able to drag my weary self out of bed and make breakfast, I’m happy to announce that the fighting ceased…briefly. Once the kids’ bellies were full, it was only fitting that they found something to start arguing over again. In this instance, it was the blanket fort that Ellie erected in our living room floor. I want it to be known that I have no issue with a well-made blanket fort. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see one in our house. My problem is when it results in fighting between Ellie and Ethan due to concerns of structural integrity. Namely, if Ethan’s unable to climb on top of it without it falling apart, then a fight will break out.

Despite my best efforts to break up said fight, I could not do so. Therefore, the only thing I could do was separate the combatants. Unfortunately, their separation and my peace did not last long and they were back to the battle at hand. In the past, I’ve been willing to issue spankings or time outs in these situations, I felt like the issue had moved past that. Therefore, I decided to take the punishment to another level.

I headed to my room and dug through some old clothes until I found exactly what I was looking for: an old gray tank top. With that, I called both kids to me and first slipped it over Ellie’s head and put her right arm through one of the arm holes. The entire time I was doing this, Ellie was saying over and over, “Dad, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?”. Then, it was Ethan’s turn for his head to go through the head hole and his left arm to go through the arm hole. With that, I stated, “This is the “Get Along” shirt. You are to wear this for the next 15 minutes. If you take it off, we’re going to have problems. Understand?”.

While the initial minutes were met with much screaming (mostly from Ellie), they eventually communicated enough to find an activity to keep them calm until my phone alarm ring. While I’d love to say that the “Get Along” shirt fixed everything, unfortunately, I’d be lying. That being said, it did help reset their little minds enough that they were able to talk through their issues in a calmer manner the rest of the day.

In fact, we even got to have some fun between carving a pumpkin and watching “The Peanuts Movie” on the projector. Oddly enough, the one thing I never expected to be fun for the kids apparently was as this afternoon, both kids asked to wear the “Get Along” shirt again. That time I said “No” though. After all, it’s a punishment, not a reward.


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