Monday, February 8, 2021

Day 985 - Adventures and Imaginations (and Don't Say "Run It Back")

Before I start, I need to take care of a little housekeeping. After the events of Sunday night, I never want to hear the words "Run", "It", and "Back" used together in a sentence ever again. Now that that's taken care of, time to start writing.


Something that has become extremely evident about my kids is that they love adventures. Now, in our house, adventures don't have to consist of climbing a mountain or something of that ilk. A visit to a park we've never been to can constitute an adventure for our clan. With that being the case, it means it's relatively easy to find new adventures to take part in together. Friday was no exception as the kids and I spent the morning at Union Station enjoying the Chiefs Fan Zone before Super Bowl Sunday (ugh!).

To begin our adventure, the kids and I parked at Crown Center and trekked through the link before finding ourselves at Union Station. Upon our arrival, the first thing we did was head to the very back of Union Station to get our photo taken together at the large, lighted Chiefs sign proudly proclaiming the phrase which shall not be named. From there, we then weaved our way through the Great Hall taking part in every photo opportunity we could find. My favorite though had to be when I was taking a shot of Ethan and Ellie in front of a large Chiefs wordmark and Ethan saw fit to run towards me mid-picture as fast as he could. Talk about your "Run-ning It Back". Ok, it's out of my system now.


Of course, the great thing about my kids is that they don't have to leave the house to have an adventure together. That is becoming more and more true the older they get. The biggest reason why that is the case is in no part due to me. Instead, it's all because of Ellie. Specifically, her vivid imagination.

Ellie has reached an age where her imagination really knows no boundaries. That's especially true when she's bored. It's not uncommon for her to spend her days playing teacher, exploring deep dark jungles, or climbing mountains. Today, the adventure of the day revolved around her and Ethan taking a trip to California.

For the record, Ellie has never been to California and I find it extremely unlikely she had any strong awareness of its existence before she and I worked on an America-themed puzzle this afternoon. After completing that puzzle though, Ellie had all of the information needed for Ethan and her to embark on a "cross-country" journey from the safety of our living room couch. My favorite part of the trip happened to be the multiple stops at the beach that she and Ethan made along the way.

On second thought, I'm probably wrong about Ellie never having heard of California before today. In fact, she's well aware of the state due to pictures of Bethany's and my 5th Anniversary trip when we drove down the Big Sur. We have shared those photos with her and explained in great detail what was happening on more than one occasion. It just goes to show that Ellie does listen to what we say from time-to-time. Who knew? #DaddyWrite

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