Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Day 991 - Run and Have Fun at the Fun Run a.k.a. The One Where Ethan Turns Two

It's absolutely unbelievable how fast two years can fly by. As of Friday morning around 7:00 am, Ethan is two years old! As I look back at photos of his birth, it really doesn't feel like it should be that long ago. However, when I look at Ethan running around the house, trying to keep up with his big sister while getting into all kinds of mischief, I know that it really has been two years! 

Since turning two years old is quite the achievement, I decided that for Ethan's birthday, it was only prudent to take him somewhere to run around while he could try to keep up with his big sister and that would allow him to get into all kinds of mischief. I'm talking about Fun Run.

For the unenlightened, Fun Run is a basically an indoor playground for kids. It comes complete with multiple bounce houses, a giant jungle gym/obstacle course, and oddly enough, an old-fashioned Wild West town. While we hadn't actually been to Fun Run before, I had heard plenty of first-hand testimonials from those that had been and knew Ellie and Ethan would love it.

After a busy morning of playing at home, I loaded up both kids in the Traverse and headed towards Fun Run a little before it opened at ten. When we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to find that we were the second people to arrive. That meant that not only did we get a decent parking place but it also meant that Ellie and Ethan would pretty much have the run of the place. While the first thing would continue to be true, it wasn't long before Fun Run was absolutely hopping with kids. Ellie and Ethan certainly didn't mind though.

While I was a little uncertain how Ethan would fare in some of the larger obstacles, his monkey-like climbing ability quickly put that to shame. He more than held his own in keeping up with Ellie as they explored all that Fun Run had to offer. As for me, that was another story. You see, it's relatively hard to keep tabs on two kids when one is unable to enter the play area. Therefore, I basically had to keep my head on a swivel at all times waiting for one or both kids to pop out of an area in a different place than they entered.

There was one slight misfortune for Ethan in his visit to Fun Run. You see, Ellie has reached an age where it's a little less cool to play with her baby brother when we're in a public place. That's especially true when she's able to find a friend similar in age to her as she did on this occasion. Therefore, that left poor Ethan, on his birthday nonetheless, desperately trying to chase after her in an attempt to play with her. If the distress on his little face wasn't bad enough, his repeated cries of "Ellie, play Ethan, please" certainly upped the ante.

Overall though, our time at Fun Run was a rousing success. By the time we left, both kids pretty much found themselves completely and utterly exhausted. Nowhere was that more present than when Ethan flopped down in the middle of the floor and sadly proclaimed, "Ethan, go bed. Sleep." And you know what? He was completely serious too! Look no further than his three-hour afternoon nap for proof of that. Good times. Good times. #DaddyWrite


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