Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Day 661 - Ethan's Problems...Which Are Threefold...Part II

Remember that opening hook from yesterday about me being more of a warden or police officer than a parent at times? Well, after a little bit of thinking on my part, police officer may very well be the most apt descriptor I can use for my "job" right now.

To any of my friends that serve in law enforcement, I want to mention that I mean absolutely no disrespect. After all, most of my opinions about the boys in blue have been molded from that time I got a speeding ticket and repeated viewings of the 'Lethal Weapon' quadrilogy. 

Quick question: do you think Wikipedia or the 'Lethal Weapon' films would provide a more accurate representation of police life? My vote's for Wikipedia but not by much. I think it mostly comes down to the fact that cops don't look like Mel Gibson in real life.

Let's get back to my initial point of "being" a police officer at home. While I've always spent a lot of time chasing Ellie around the house and keeping her out of trouble, that role is now even more necessary with Ethan crawling around and getting into all kinds of mischief. It's that very penchant for mischief that brings us to the second of Ethan's threefold problems with me. What is that problem? I just won't let him have any fun.

For example, one of Ethan's most mesmerizing nuisances is also one that he should not play with under any circumstances: the surge bar for our TV. I understand why it's tempting for him. Not only is there a row of plugs just waiting to be grabbed and pulled, but there is a chain of three bright green lights illuminating at all times. If he's left to his own devices in our family room, it's only a matter of time before Ethan makes a break for it. Then, I find myself (normally at the last minute because I'm lazy) having to "enforce the law" as I pull my son away from the object of his desire.

I don't try to be all lame. In fact, I feel like Ethan and I have lots of fun together. We spent quite a bit of our day playing with various toys and wrestling with each other (as much as one can wrestle with a six-month-old). There is one game though that Ethan has very much embraced that allows me to get in touch with my "police officer" side. That game? The time honored activity of chase the baby. The rules of chase the baby are quite simple. In fact, there is but one rule: you CHASE the baby. 

"Wait, is it time to play chase the baby?"

Oddly enough, there is only one place in our home where this activity takes place: the upstairs hallway. All it takes to initiate a round of chase the baby is to lift Ethan to the top of the stairs and sit him down on the ground. He'll then immediately assume the crawling stance and take off down the hallway. 

Now, I realize that it may sound like chase the baby is only fun for Ethan. However, that is far, far from the truth. As soon as he realizes I'm in hot pursuit, Ethan will begin laughing hysterically as he crawls down the hall. Anytime I get too close, the laughs intensify in both volume and frequency. You may be wondering how long a game like this can last for him. The truth is that we haven't figured out that answer yet. Normally we get tired and end the game long before Ethan's stamina expires. 

The good thing about chase the baby is that I know Ethan could dominate one of those baby-racing contests that NBA teams often hold at halftime. Of course, there is a slight issue with the fact that Bethany or I would be crawling behind him in front of at least 25,000 people. That might be slightly embarrassing to have on YouTube for all time, right? #DaddyWrite

Let's be honest. Ethan would probably just sit there and do this.

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