Monday, August 5, 2019

Day 650 - All About Ethan...mostly

I had a thought today. My thought is that there are quite a few of Ethan's "firsts" that I have found myself glossing over or not chronicling because I find something that Ellie did to be more interesting (or funnier). I don't think that makes me a bad person or anything; just unthorough. Therefore, for the purpose of long-term chronicling, I feel it necessary to avoid saying Ellie's name for the remainder of this post and instead just focus on Ethan and Ethan alone. Surely Ellie won't mind too badly, right? Oops, I already said it.

I'm guessing the first "first" that needs to be mentioned is Ethan's rapid discovery of rapid movement. What I mean by that is that my baby is now capable of moving from one place to another...rapidly. That being said, there are definitely shortcomings for Ethan in this venture. For one, his form of crawling isn't so much crawling as it is an extended game of leapfrog. 

Imagine, if you will, Ethan on his hands and knees in a crawling stance, rocking back and forth as it were. Then, from out of nowhere, he literally springs forward, impaling his face into the floor, covering inches in a single bound. Ethan will return to his crawling stance only to do the same thing over and over again until reaching whatever the object of his desire was. For the record, it's normally some kind of paper just waiting to be shredded by his little hands.

"Are those my toys in there?

Of course, there are times with his "crawling" where Ethan doesn't exactly end up where he wants to go. It goes without syaing that he's still learning there are areas that should probably qualify as off-limits. Therefore, it's important for myself (as well as Bethany and El...his sister), to keep him out of danger. One of the places where that has become paramount is in his sibling's room.

Now, I know that you would expect a toddler's bedroom to be a relatively safe place for an infant to hang out, right? I would believe that to be true. Anyway, it's pretty common for Bethany or me to deposit Ethan in the floor of that particular place while we do laundry. After all, our washer and dryer is literally right out a certain little girl's bedroom. On this certain occasion, Bethany was the one tasked with doing our family's laundry. Therefore, she left Ethan in the caring and capable hands of his elder sibling, telling her to keep an eye on him as he played in the middle of her room.

As Bethany tended to the laundry, she heard nothing to give her cause for concern. However, once she finished the laundry and reentered the pretty, green bedroom, she was confused to find Ethan missing. Obviously, the first thing any concerned mother would do in this instance is ask their toddler, "What happened to Ethan?" Our chica pequena simply responded, "He's under my bed." Yes, that's right. Ethan had successfully leapfrogged his way halfway across his sister's bedroom and found himself trapped underneath her bed frame. Never fear though. Bethany extracted him from the situation before he started crying and they went on about their day, none the worse for wear.

"I don't think I belong here..."

If I'm being completely honest, Ethan's little game of leapfrog is going to make my days more and more interesting as time goes on. He's already found himself dangerously close to the edge of the stairs on more than one occasion. It's ok though; I definitely won't be able to complain about being bored anytime soon. And if I need an extra set of eyes, "She who shall not be" is always available.  #DaddyWrite

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