Thursday, July 12, 2018

Day 453 - Conscientious REM Objector & Bovine Aficionado

If my memory does not fail me, I threatened a resolution to a story on Monday. However, the more I think about it, it just doesn't seem all that interesting to write a 500 word post about. Instead, I'll give you the abbreviated version of the story in a nutshell and then write about something that people would probably enjoy a little more.

Simply put, Ellie woke up screaming bloody murder and pounding on her door less than an hour after putting her down. Lucky for us, Bethany and I had company over so we were blessed to be able to share our screaming child with them while they told us about the plans for their college ministry. I'll consider this to be a public apology for the Grahams.

Once we called it a night with the Grahams, we were able to get Ellie back down after a whole lot of rocking, singing, and a car ride to Smithville and back. And thus, all was good until the 2:00 hour when Ellie began screaming again. Then all was good until the 3:00 hour when Ellie screamed again. Same story for the 4:00 and 5:00 hours. 

At that point, we gave up and brought Ellie to bed with us for the remainder of the night. That turned out to be all of 15 minutes before she forced Bethany to get up to go eat cereal. For the record, I tried to get up with her but Ellie was having none of it. Therefore, I instead took advantage of an empty bed to enjoy some more sleeping. 

As do I, Goldblum.

Now you're all caught up on the misery of raising a toddler during nighttime. As such, allow me to reminisce about happier times. Times like Cow Appreciation Day.

For the record, I don't know if Cow Appreciation Day is a legitimate holiday or not. All I know is that it's an excuse to dress like a cow in public and get free chicken from Chick-Fil-A for doing so. Also, I'm assuming most people do it for the chicken and the chicken alone.

While Ellie and I did make it to Chick-Fil-A for Cow Appreciation Day in 2017, we were unable to do so this year. Instead, we headed to my parents' in Savannah for the morning so that I could help my dad with moving cattle between pastures.

Obviously, Ellie really couldn't contribute to actually moving the cattle. That didn't mean that she couldn't stand on my parents' front porch and watch as we moved trailer loads of cattle from my grandmother's house to pastures bordering my parents' home though. In fact, even though I wasn't that close to her in proximity, I could see her excitement every time "Papa" and "Daddy" opened the trailer and let eight cows rumble out the door.

Sorry, I tend to not take pictures of cute babies while I'm doing farm work.

Lucky for Ellie, my dad noticed her excitement as well. Therefore, with the final batch of cows loaded up, he stopped the  trailer near my parents' home and told me to go get Ellie. That way she could ride out to the pasture in the pickup with us. 

We hopped out of the truck to open the trailer and my dad took Ellie in his arms, standing to the side of the door where Ellie could watch as the cows exited into the awaiting pasture. As the cows rumbled off the trailer, the excitement etched across Ellie's face was only rivaled by the sound of her little voice exclaiming, "Papa's cows! Cows running in grass! Cows in grass!". When the time came to leave the pasture, the only response Ellie could muster was a heart-wrenching "Bye, cows," as she sadly waved goodbye.

In resolution, even if Ellie's Cow Appreciation Day was a bit unique from most of Kansas City's, at least she got to participate. I guess the only thing missing from the day was free chicken and Ellie in a cow suit. Oh well, there's always next year. #DaddyWrite

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