Monday, July 9, 2018

Day 452 - Lip Lock

Quick question. Do you ever wish that all loose ends were easily tied up to ultimately end in a happy manner, all in the span of 30 minutes? 

Actually, if I'm being technical about it, let's say 22 minutes. After all, as I learned during my sophomore year of college when my roommates and I purposely scheduled our classes around being able to watch reruns of 'Full House' and 'Boy Meets World', any problem in the world can be solved within 22 minutes. Well, not always. On occasion, it's necessary for that pesky 'To Be Continued' banner to flash across my screen meaning that the problems needs a full 45 minutes to resolve itself.

Unfortunately, in real life, problems can't be solved in 22 or 45 minutes. It can take much longer and for all you know, you might not ever figure out exactly what the problem was. After all, that's how things work out for me in the saga of raising Ellie.

Flashback to the 5:00 hour and the preparation of dinner. With Bethany and I having recently picked up our beef for the year, we had set out a package of Filet Mignons to have for dinner tonight. Now, I find it prudent here to add that neither of us had ever consumed Filet Mignon before tonight. Therefore, we had no idea how tasty it is. However, we also had no idea how the preparation of said dish is an exact science.

What I mean by that is that time is very, very important when cooking Filet Mignon. 2 minutes exactly on one side before flipping to the other for 2 minutes. After that, it's time to shove the entire cast iron skillet in a 400 degree oven for 4 to 5 minutes to allow the Filets to finish up. Taking all of that into consideration, it's obviously important to not be interrupted by Ellie. However, it seems that no one told her that was the case.

From the time that Bethany started prepping dinner, Ellie wanted her full undivided attention. Despite me only being preoccupied by slicing vegetables, Ellie really wanted nothing to do with me (as is standard operation procedure). Finally, the time came where it was no longer safe for Ellie to be constantly encircling Bethany's feet. It could have had something to do with the 400 degree skillet she was transferring to the oven.

At this point, I invited Ellie over to the table with the promise that I would get her some Play-Doh to play with while waiting for dinner. Leaving Ellie patiently standing on a kitchen chair, I turned my back and reached up on the top of the refrigerator to retrieve the object of Ellie's affection. While doing so, I was shocked to hear a loud boom, followed by the unmistakable sound of my daughter's cry.

As I turned back around, the very first thing I saw was the blood gushing forth from Ellie's mouth all over the kitchen floor. When Ellie fell out of the chair, she didn't just land on the kitchen flood. No, she instead was the victim of an unfortunate lip lock with the foot of the table. Obviously, this resulted in a cut lip courtesy of her sharp, little teeth. Following this, Bethany and I took turns holding a wet washrag up to Ellie's face as we waited for the wound to stop bleeding. 

Don't worry, it finally did. However, Ellie was definitely the worse for wear. First of all, her swollen lip was definitely making it difficult for her to eat as well as she (and we) would have liked. Second, the adrenaline that kicked in from said injury caused her some issues as well.

However, as I've already hit the 600-word mark for today, I'll save the follow-up for this story for another day. After all, I probably should steer clear of writing so much that someone gives up halfway through. No one wants that. #DaddyWrite

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