Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Day 241 - Daddy's First Annual Performance Review

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

That quote, by one of the great philosophers of the 20th century, really never ceases to be true. In fact, I think I may be living that quote during this stage of my life. Take the following story for example.

Last night as Bethany and I were hanging out after Ellie had gone to sleep, Bethany looked at me and asked if I realized that very day was one year exactly of me staying home with Ellie. Of course, I'm sure it's no shocker to anyone that I had no idea that was the case. 

Now, as I sit and think about that a little bit, I realize there is an importance of me taking stock of everything that happened so far. I could always go back and reread every prior blog post. However, that's 155 posts covering 240 days, an average of 600 words per post, and that equals...(grabbing calculator)...that equals approximately 93,000 words. 

That could probably be read in an afternoon, but I'm not going to go that route. Instead, I'm choosing  to draw back on my seven years of business experience and go with another time tested method: the annual performance review. Now, most performance reviews are conducted by a manager and then shared with you. That's a little hard for me as the closest thing I have to a manager currently is Ellie. Honestly, I'm not exactly certain how much I can trust her expert opinion on the matter either. As a result, I guess I'll just have to do it myself.

The rules in play? Well, similar to 'Who's Line is It Anyway?', everything's made up and the points don't matter. I'll be grading myself on parenting acumen, fun, and temperament. Honestly, I could probably grade myself on some other criteria as well, but I'm just not apt enough to think of anything else.

Starting with parenting acumen, I would have to give myself 4.25 stars. When I began the whole parenting thing, I was pretty much in over my head. I had to learn the basic stuff such as changing and feeding Ellie. I mean, that stuff was relatively easy. Much more difficult was learning Ellie's tells. For a while, it was really hard for me to figure exactly what Ellie was wanting at times. Eventually I figured it out, you know, just in time for the rules to change. 

Honestly, it feels like every time I'm feeling good about my Ellie-related knowledge, she starts doing something new. First it was crawling, now it's walking. Also, the fact that I laugh every time Ellie falls flat on her face attempting to walk should probably be a strike in the parenting department.

On fun, I give myself two enthusiastic thumbs up. I feel like Ellie and I really do have a lot of fun together. Relatively few days go by without photographic evidence of that via selfie. Sometimes its trips to the zoo or park. Other times, it's just a relaxing day around the house which is still filled with play. 

For the first several months of her life, I was convinced Ellie didn't enjoy being around me. Maybe that was the case at that time, but I don't believe that's the case today. She gets so excited to see me anytime I've been away from home that I know she actually does love me. Therefore, I guess we do have at least a little fun together.

If I'm being honest, temperament is probably where I fail the most in my performance review. Sure, I can be pretty happy-go-lucky most of the time. However, there are those times when I get really frustrated with Ellie. The first few months at home with Ellie were filled with days of me screaming into a pillow out of pure frustration. There were also plenty of panicked phone calls to Bethany so that she could talk me off the metaphorical ledge. 

"Real life" video of me becoming angry with Ellie...

Things are definitely better now although I still do get irritated with Ellie at times and probably express it vocally in a less than desirable manner. That being said, I'm giving myself a 78% on a scale of 100. Since it's a C, I won't need to repeat the class. Although I should really hope to improve my grade in Parenting 201. 

So there you have it, my first annual parenting performance review. I feel like I may have been hard on myself at times, but honesty is the best policy. 4.25 stars, two enthusiastic thumbs up, and a 78%; not terrible scores but not the best I can do. I'll definitely look to make the honor roll moving forward.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. That great 20th century philosopher I spoke of? Ferris Bueller. Wise man, that Ferris. #DaddyWrite

More great words from Mr. Bueller...

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