Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day 230 - Let's Bag Some Books

I feel like being a stay-at-home dad is rife with the kind of stuff that internet memes are made of. For example, if you ever do a quick search of stay-at-home dads on the internet, I  guarantee you'll find something along the lines of "Lazy dads finding an easier way to watch child". That will inevitably be accompanied by pictures of a dad rocking a bassinet using a string tied to a moving foot while playing Madden on his Xbox. Or there's the one where the dad sucks his daughter's hair into a vacuum hose in order to make a ponytail.

While I would never claim to be that lazy, there are times where I find myself looking for a better way to accomplish a given task. As you full well know, the easiest task can become immensely more difficult when a baby is present. If I'm doing the dishes, it's a guarantee she'll be hanging on my leg attempting to pull out my leg hair. And yes, I'm pretty certain she has succeeded in doing so during her short life. However, that's nothing compared to taking Ellie to the library. 

Yes, while taking Ellie to the library seems like a simple task, it is often anything but. If I'm not paying close enough attention to her while trying to pick out books for her, she will inevitably begin pulling books off of the shelf at will. Then, I get the fun experience of putting them back. Another library related struggle I have faced is just being able to carry both Ellie and a pile of books to the checkout station. Seriously. Since I generally check out four or five books for Ellie at once, I find myself forced to precariously balance the books in one hand while carrying Ellie to the other. Add that to anything I might get for myself and the pile gets pretty high.

As time has gone on, I've gotten tired of picking up books off the library floor after dropping them. Especially when you consider I have to set Ellie down in order to pick them up. Well, never fear because I finally came up with a foolproof solution to keep that from occurring. Although, I must say I am slightly embarrassed for never thinking of it sooner. My new idea (and the savior of my sanity)? A simple cloth shopping bag.

Simple, get it? Because Dory's relatively simple?

Honestly, the difference between library trips pre and post bag are like night and day. While I still have to worry about keeping my daughter from pulling every book she can reach off of the shelf, I no longer have to worry about dropping books myself. Well, that's not entirely true as there is still one drop I do have to worry about: the drop into the bag. Once the books are safe and sound inside the bag, there's no worrying about them until checkout. 

By the way, I'm considering applying for a patent on using a cloth grocery bag at the library. I am slightly concerned that there's nothing proprietary about it though. Even if my patent fails, I guess I'm at least working smarter, not harder, and therefore further enabling my laziness. #DaddyWrite

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