Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Day 236 - The Semi-Enduring Subject of Dishwalla

So, there's a slight chance that I may have become slightly addicted to Facebook over the past year at home. While I don't spend every waking moment on the social media giant, I definitely am spending more time than I used to. I do see the reason why that is the case though. It's a way to just remind myself that there are other things happening to other people outside my four walls. Not only that, but as Ellie's now a year old, some cool memories have started popping up via the "On This Day" feature. In fact today was one of those days exactly.

Ok, I should be forward with the fact that I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be, a Dishwalla fan. In fact, if you asked me to name another song outside of 'Counting Blue Cars', there's absolutely no way I could ever do it. If my memory isn't failing me, the early months of Ellie's life were filled with lots and lots of screaming. Screaming so piercing in nature that I still don't hear out of my left ear nearly as well as I did before her birth. Congrats baby, your tiny lungs did what heavy machinery and front rows at concerts couldn't do.

In those days of epic desperation, it didn't take us long to figure out music was a calming influence on this tiny, screaming being who was now a part of our lives. 'The Show', '3 Rounds and a Sound', 'Oceans', 'Twenty Four', 'Between the Raindrops'. I feel like I heard each of those songs so often that they will forever be engrained in my memory. However, if I had to tell you why I decided to play Dishwalla for the baby one year ago, I could never come up with a legitimate reason. My best guess is that we were firing up our pitiful dishwasher for a cleaning cycle.

Now, as I think about this post a year after the fact, I kind of find myself missing the music we heard all too much. You see, I instead find myself now listening to nursery rhymes as I write this with Ellie happily dancing and clapping in front of the radio. There's no reality in which the Bose Wave Music Player was developed for this kind of activity. 

In all reality, I know Ellie really enjoys it but I am a little concerned about my sanity. As I stood in the kitchen earlier doing the dishes, I actually found myself bobbing in tune to the rousing choruses of 'Old MacDonald Had a Farm', 'Peanut Sat on a Railroad Track', and 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'. Not just that, but I was legitimately doing the 'Hokey Pokey' as it played in the background. 

I'm sure that Ellie will eventually tire of these songs just as she tired of the grouping that proceeded them. Until then, the beat in my head is destined to be limited to the nursery rhyme albums she has fallen in love with while I'm pining away for the days of Dishwalla and their one good song. #DaddyWrite

P.S. - Anyone have any great suggestions for kid songs for the baby that won't zap me of my sanity with great swiftness?

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