Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Day 337 & 338 - Sleep Deprivation and the Study of Creative Sustenance Delivery

Question, can anyone out there remind me what sleep is? Also, can someone let me know what the appropriate amount of sleep someone should receive is? Another question, what's the best position for receiving adequate sleep in? Also, I should probably apologize in advance for the distinct possibility this post is littered with spelling errors, incorrect word usage, and jokes that fall flat (Actually that last part is always true so I recant my apology for that one).

Speaking of falling flat. Lame joke alert.

I bring up this whole lack of sleep issue because, well, because it's an issue right now (Wow, that was a very circular statement). Over the past few days, poor Ellie has been subjected to the continuous onslaught of three new teeth attempting to burst forth from her gums. Now, it's true that Ellie has been teething on and off since six months of age. However, to my recollection, I can't recall her ever having so many coming in at once. It's honestly no wonder she's upset. 

The last two days haven't necessarily started off well in the Holt household for yours truly as Ellie has decided to start her day at a point that's early for even Bethany. How early you may ask? 4:30 am! I know you're probably asking what exactly we did with Ellie at 4:30 am. The answer is simple; she and I relocated to our couch downstairs where I curled up with her on my chest under a soft blanket and proceeded to lull her back to sleep until Bethany started her day around 6:00 am.

I swear, there's a baby in there somewhere. Sorry for the B&W, bad exposure on that picture.

While Ellie's sleep has suffered the most from her teething, there is another downside to it. Namely, her ability to eat is compromised right now. Given Ellie's love of all things food, you know she's in intense pain if she's turning up her nose at food. In fact, last night at dinner, Bethany and I found ourselves in a unique situation attempting to get Ellie to eat.

Our issues began simply enough; with Ellie refusing to sit in her high chair. This really isn't an issue for us under normal circumstances. On the rare occasion Ellie fights her high chair, we just let her sit on one of our laps for dinner. Unfortunately for Ellie, we weren't willing to do so as she had sat on Bethany's lap for dinner on Sunday night.

And thus the battle commenced. Back and forth it raged. Ellie in the chair, out of the chair. On the floor in the living room crying, in her crib crying. It continued to rage back and forth until Bethany (in all of her kindness) relented and allowed Ellie to sit on her lap to eat her meal of spaghetti and carrots. I was not done however as I had an ace in the hole. What is that ace you may ask? Garlic toast.

I've never heard of this film but now feel like I should seek it out...

As Ellie was sitting on Ellie's lap, intensely staring at the piece of garlic toast in my hand, I began to purposely tear it apart. Instead of giving it directly to my daughter though, I instead laid the pieces on the table right in front of her high chair. With her eyes watching as I kept adding new pieces to the pile, I could see her little mind running the cost-benefit analysis  of just how many pieces of toast it would require for her to sit in her chair. Finally that number was reached at four and Ellie relented and went to her chair.

Unfortunately, the issue of getting her to actually eat something that wasn't garlic toast still remained. That was an easier fix though as all we had to do was play the airplane game. You know, the one where you pretend the fork is an airplane delivering food into a cave? Of course, that's not creative enough for me so I had to up the ante with a noise-filled progression of NASCAR racers, divebombers, trains, and Free Willy. I even busted out a zeppelin. I will say that impression left a little something to be desired as I didn't really know what sound a zeppelin made so I instead just repeated the words "zeppelin noise" over and over again while the fork lazily floated from side-to-side.

Go zeppelin, go! Also, props to me for continuing the black and white theme...

Here's hoping that things pick up for us soon. Honestly, I feel like the combination of sleep deprivation and coming up with creative methods of food delivery really don't work well in the long run. At least not unless I learn what sound a zeppelin actually makes. #DaddyWrite

See, it's not all bad times. Just mostly.

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