Friday, February 2, 2018

Day 340 - Just Keep Swimming, Winter Edition

Here at #DaddyWrite, I often pride myself on enthralling you with the types of thrilling facts one could never hope to obtain elsewhere. Today, I find myself wanting to wax poetic about our friend, water. Not Walter, but water. 

  • Water is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen (we're just getting going here)
  • Nearly 97% of Earth's water is salty and therefore undrinkable (doesn't mean it's not good for swimming or playing in though)
  • A person can live approximately a month without food but only a week without water (I haven't tested this fact and only know of one person who has done so and, you know)
  • 75% of both the human brain and a living tree is water (We are Groot?)

Ok, now that I know you are absolutely captivated by all that I have shared, I now can segway into the meat and potatoes of this blog without problem. What is that, you may ask? Easy, Ellie's first swim lesson!

For those that don't know, one good thing about living in the Kansas City metro area is that we often have access to quite the variety of what I'll call 'enrichment classes' for affordable fees. One of those is the Water Babies class offered in four-week cycles at Park Hill's Aquatic Center for the low, low price of $19ish. To tell the truth, the Water Babies class had been on our radar for a while and this so happened to be the perfect time for said class to happen.

So, now that you're all caught up, I take you back to Thursday morning. With Ellie's class scheduled to begin promptly at 10 am, we made plans to show up at the Park Hill Aquatic Center 15 minutes early. In order to make that happen, I actually made the unprecedented decision of planning ahead by ensuring I already had Ellie's swimsuit on under her normal clothes when we left home. Therefore, all that had to happen was simply shedding a couple of layers once we got to the pool.

Ellie, what are you looking at?

Now, if you have never shown up early to a class such as this, it can be kind of uncomfortable. Or maybe that's the just the case if you're the only adult male in the room, as I was. Needless to say, I found myself engaged in some pretty awkward conversations with the moms as we waiting for class to begin. In fact, I probably learned more about one woman's history of breast-feeding her child than I ever needed to know. Short version of the story, her kid had teeth at three months and she began pumping the day they came in. **shudder** Luckily for me, one grandfather eventually showed up with his grandson in tow to join the class. Although, for the record, I'm not certain that was much better.

Chandler Bing is correct.

Once the time came for Ellie and I to hop in the pool with the rest of the class, I was a little surprised at the cold temperature of an indoor pool. So was Ellie as evident by the epic trembling of her lower lip. We both adjusted soon enough. In case you're wondering what exactly baby swim lessons consists of, it's a strange array of water aerobics, singing, dead man's floats, wacky noodles, and crying. Oh, the crying.

Lucky for me, my child wasn't the one responsible for the crying. In fact, Ellie's prowess in the water was, dare I say, Phelpsian (exaggeration, much?). As you can probably guess, I never let go of Ellie during this class but was encouraged to put her in positions designed to help her gain comfort with the water. For example, with position 1, I rested her head on my shoulder and helped her to float in the water on her back. With position 2, she was stomach down in the water with my hands under her armpits for support. That was actually my favorite position as I kept tossing a toy in front of her and watched excitedly as Ellie used her legs and arms to pull herself through the water until she reached her prize. Ellie even got to experience "jumping" off the side of the pool into her daddy's outstretched arms.

The most endearing image of Michael Phelps the internet has to offer...

As a whole, I would consider week one to have been a great experience for a couple of reason. For starters, Ellie absolutely did not want to leave the water when class was over. Second, Ellie's teacher was so impressed by her comfort with the water that apparently Ellie will get to experience a slight dip under the water next week. 

For the record, that's a slight dip only so keep visions of waterboarding out of your head. I'm pretty sure the waterboarding lesson isn't until week 4 at the earliest. Kidding, kidding. #DaddyWrite

What do you mean I can't swim anymore today?

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