Thursday, January 11, 2018

Day 326 - Post may or may not be advertising for the Garmin vivofit 2

Winter can be rough. That is, unless it's one of those random nice days that occurs now and then. If it's one of those typical snow is blowing, water is freezing, everything's chilly days, then yeah, winter can be rough. Today was no exception as the entire metro area was victim to cold temperatures, icy conditions, and bitter winds to boot. Therefore, it should go without saying that I am definitely suffering from cabin fever and am prone to doing dumb things such as spending way too long creating cat-themed memes for the sake of a dumb joke in a text conversation.

Now, as you likely know, I often try to start my day off with a trip to our local Planet Fitness to spend around an hour working out. It's a nice way to start the day because it ensures I have at least that time to myself before I have little Ellie clinging to me for the next eight-plus hours until Bethany gets home from work. Not only that, but it also helps to keep me in moderately decent shape. After all, I am almost 32 so it's only a matter of time until the "Dad-bod" comes for me.

While I do love to start my day off with said workout, today was a rare exception to that rule. The reason? Well, I didn't want to be subject to the harsh conditions outside and instead wanted to remain safe and secure in my nice warm bed. The bad part about that decision is that it basically guaranteed I wouldn't reach my step goal for the day. While, yes, that is true, that didn't stop me from learning a lesson I can put to use in the future.

As you can probably guess, I spend a good 92% of my day chasing after a certain toddler as she gets in and out of mischief. Therefore, if you add up all of that time, it generally gets me pretty close to my daily goal as set by the very handy Garmin vivofit 2 (BTW, fine folks at Garmin, if you're reading this, I certainly wouldn't turn down a free vivofit 3). There is one problem in that logic though. 
Namely when you've gone through a percentage of your day without said vivofit 2 on your arm.

Flashback to this morning. As I do most days, I take off the vivofit and lackadaisically toss it onto my nightstand, dresser, bathroom vanity, etc. before heading into the shower. Obviously, there's not much routine to where I toss it as you can plainly see. On this day, as I tossed it onto my nightstand, it bounced and rolled off to the floor below. Now, being a moderately lazy person, I chose to delay picking it up at that moment, instead letting it be "future Jesse's" problem. Instead, "future Jesse" completely forgot about said vivofit post shower as it was not in plain sight.

Fast forward a few hours as I hear an unmistakable giggle from my dear Ellie. Now, this giggle in particular is part mischievous, part victorious. It essentially means she has something she's not supposed to have and she is delighted about that fact. I go to see exactly what she has found and am shocked to see my vivofit clenched in her tiny hand. Rather than immediately take it from her, I choose to instead engage her in a low-speed game of hot pursuit as I chase Ellie around the house.

I'm overly proud of the fact that I took the time to create a Rosco P. Coltrane gif as I couldn't find one in existence.

Finally, the time comes when I have tired of said game and back Ellie into a corner in our spare room. At that point, she holds out her hand to deposit the vivofit in my awaiting grasp with a big smile. As I take the vivofit and latch it back onto my wrist, my natural curiosity begins to take over and I wonder exactly how many steps Ellie had achieved in her time with it. As I clicked over to the proper setting, I found myself shocked by the result. Ellie had actually achieved nearly 2,500 "steps" in her time with the vivofit. Now, I'm not certain how much of that was actually her walking versus her actively shaking it, but that doesn't necessarily diminish the impressiveness of her feat.

As an added bonus, I now know that on any occasion I fail to meet my step goal for the day, I can just unlatch my vivofit from my wrist, hand it to Ellie, and watch her fly. After all, I've got to make sure I beat Bethany's number of steps every day. Otherwise, what's the point? 

What's the point, indeed? #DaddyWrite

"Hahaha. I'm still laughing about stealing Daddy's vivofit!"


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