Friday, March 24, 2017

Day 142 - Shocking Scleras Since 2017

As the premier stay-at-home dad blog based in the Northland of the Kansas City metropolitan area, it's important to remember #DaddyWrite doesn't just exist only to provide humor-based looks into the daily life of a stay-at-home dad. Sometimes there are much more pressing matters than that. Therefore, with great trepidation, I would like to present a very special edition of #DaddyWrite.

It's time to acknowledge a little mentioned fact about the American workplace. That fact being that it's perilous and wrought with danger. Any job can be dangerous. If you're a laborer, you've got to lift with your knees, not your back. You could fall from a high place if you're not careful (like I tend to do when I climb ladders). You could even be run over by a runaway forklift; at least I assume that can happen. In an office setting, there is also much danger afoot. Carpal tunnel, eye strain, the sedentary lifestyle. All silent killers (All research is collected from a season 2 episode of 'The Office' entitled 'Safety Training').

Why do I bring this up? Well, I never realized it before but being a stay-at-home dad is perilous and wrought with danger in its own fashion. Furthermore, it's not just due to my natural ineptitude for all things. It has less to do with that and more with the fact that Ellie has trained her entire life to become a force of destruction the likes of which the world has never seen. Therefore, it's important to be prepared. 

Story time. Since Ellie's crawling now, I actually spend quite a bit of my day down on the floor with her. It gives me a better opportunity to play and interact with my daughter rather than sitting on a sofa zoning out. Also, it's a bonus that she really likes it too. One of her favorite activities includes using me as a jungle gym. She'll pull her little body up and over mine as I lay there. If I'm sitting upright, she'll grab a firm grip on my shirt collar and muscle her way up to a stand. Nothing is off limits. She'll tug on my nose, grab my teeth, give endless "Wet Willys", and shove her hand in my belly button. If she wasn't so cute, I'd say she's just like my childhood bully.

Yesterday, I found myself laying on the floor as Ellie played across the room. As she was starting to engage in mischief, I called out her name and opened my arms as if to offer her a hug. Ellie met my gaze and happily shuffled across the room to meet me. As she drew near, I rolled onto my stomach, propping myself up on my elbows to meet her. 

When I'm in this position, Ellie generally will come in close and bless me with a sloppy, wet kiss. That would not be the case this time however. Ellie leaned in close, pacifier in mouth, and touched me in the left eye. Suddenly, I yelped out in distress. The static electricity Ellie built up on her trek across the room had transferred straight into my eye, breaking through the cornea, searing the pupil, irritating the iris, and litigating(?) the lens. The sclera, retina, and vitreous would tingle with pain as well (And yes, I did look up the parts of the eye on a handy, dandy diagram). My eye would actually feel numb for the rest of the day as a result of the rogue sparks.

It's black and white so you can print it off for your kids/grandkids/random child at the bus stop to color.

So it is, with great sincerity, I encourage all of you. Wear proper eye protection when engaging in playtime with a child. It may not just be your eye that I save, it may be my own.  #TheMoreYouKnow.

Does having a fake doctor assist me with this message help my cause?

Thanks to my lovely wife's co-workers for valuing the integrity of my vision and providing me with the proper equipment to ensure my continued sight. I will treasure it always. #DaddyWrite

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