Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 133 - Why Is My Face So Wet?

Everyone has their own idea of how to best start the day.  For example, mine is by brushing my teeth, after which I go to the gym most days.  Keyword on most as setting the alarm and I didn't really coexist last night before bed.  Ellie's?  She's pretty fond of nursing to begin her day followed by a much-needed diaper change.  President Trump?  Apparently it's by sending out some ill-advised tweet with his breakfast (or bathroom time depending upon your source).  Well, for Bethany, one of her daily routines involves washing her face using the amazing Norwex body cloth; it doesn't mold, doesn't ever smell, and leaves your face baby smooth.  #ProductPlacement (maybe now I'll get free cleaning supplies).  Unfortunately for Bethany, this is now a task she finds herself really needing to perform multiple times.

Leader of the free world, ladies and gents...

First things first, some background.  Something we've both noticed about Ellie recently is that she is seemingly obsessed with watching our every move.  It's like we have our own personal baby stalker in the house.  Any time we turn around, there's a pair of bright blue eyes following us across the room.  To add to that, it we happen to get out of eyesight, here comes Ellie tagging behind on hands and knees as fast as she can go.  If Ellie had teeth, I'd be afraid that she was like a lion ready to pounce and devour.  Alas, she's probably just afraid of getting left behind.

"You wouldn't be thinking of leaving me behind, now would you?"

Not only is Ellie watching our every move; she's seemingly taking notes on how to replicate.  For example, Bethany was getting in her dresser drawer to grab a pair of socks in the morning.  Relatively simple task unless you're a lifeguard, homeless panhandler, or in my case, stay-at-home dad (sandal season is coming soon!).  Bethany closed the drawer and turned around.  Almost immediately, she spun back around when hearing a noise from the floor below.  Ellie had grabbed a firm hold on a lower drawer's handle and was struggling to pull it open on her own.  Unfortunately for Ellie, science had struck.  Her lack of body mass made the weight of the drawer inproportionate to the amount of strength her tiny body could muster.  Still, that was our first clue that this baby girl was watching us closely.  

Oh Al Roker. You see right through me.

Now, obviously, it's normal for both Bethany and I to show affection to Ellie.  If we didn't, you have to ask just what kind of monsters we were.  Whether playing, snuggling, or hugging, the baby does not hurt for attention.  It's also pretty common for her to get showered with kisses.  I think that's also relatively normal for parents to do to their children.  Plus, it's a bonus for us because she'll inevitably begin laughing and smiling.  Well, Miss Smarty Pants has figured out that a kiss is our way of showing love and wants to join in. 

The problem with Ellie's kisses is that there is less "smooch" and more open-mouth drooling/tongue wagging all over our faces.  Sure it's kind of nasty and makes our faces sticky.  However, it's just so cute that one can't help but appreciate the sentiment behind it.  Even if that means a little more face-washing is in order each day.  It's not like that's a problem with the help of the Norwex body cloth (still waiting on that free cleaning stuff).  #DaddyWrite

Only $19.99 ladies and gents...

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