Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Day 140 - When the Baby Causes a Jump Scare...

I absolutely detest being scared.  Seriously, if you do, I'll legitimately be ticked off at you for having done so.  Honestly, I don't think I have ever once found myself desiring a good scare.  I've pretty much limited my exposure to scary movies over the years because I just don't understand the appeal.  I will admit there are a few good ones out there.  'The Sixth Sense' is pretty stellar (Spoiler alert...Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time!).  There's even a whole genre of mobile games designed solely to create jump scares in people.  I just don't get it.  Maybe I'm not the target demographic though.  Why do I bring all of this up?  Well, Ellie has discovered that I am easily startled and has decided to take full advantage of it for her amusement.

Well, I see an out-of-work child actor...

For example, Ellie's startling mobility has caused me to need to reevaluate the way I spend my days (keyword in that sentence being 'need').  Basically, I have to be on my guard with her at all times or she'll get herself into some kind of mischief.  Now, keep in mind that mischief for an almost nine-month old consists generally of playing with phone chargers, tearing up grocery ads, and trying to chew on (exclusively) left shoes.  You know, normal stuff.  

As a result, it's really important that I spend her nap time wisely doing stuff like laundry, doing dishes, feeding myself, or writing.  Unfortunately, I must admit that there are times that I instead end up doing something frivolous like watching old clips of Conan O'Brien on YouTube.  I'm not saying that's a bad thing though.  Today ended up being one of those days where I didn't get everything done during Ellie's nap.  Nothing to fear Bethany; I only watched TV while I was eating my lunch!  Therefore, when the time came for me to actually take a shower for the day, Ellie happened to be awake so I had to make due. 

Since Ellie's now a little older, I don't see the need to actually leave Ellie sitting right outside our bathroom door in her bouncy chair when showering.  Instead, I just close the hallway door to our bedroom, give Ellie some toys, and let her play in the floor accordingly.  Normally there's no issue with that but she was feeling a little clingy today after being a little sick overnight.  

About three minutes into my shower, shampoo in my hair, warm water cascading down over my face, eyes closed, and in my own little world (#HerbalEssences), Ellie chooses to let out a primal scream.  I literally jumped from a lack of expecting it.  I frantically hopped out of the shower, tied my towel around myself (because boundaries), and stepped out into the bedroom only to be met by the grinning visage of my daughter.  With an exasperated sigh, I stepped back into the shower to begin rinsing again.  Before I knew it, Ellie let out the same primal scream leading me to jump again.  I peeked out the door to see her sitting in the doorway, shaking a toy leaf, and grinning wildly at me again.  Realizing the game at this point, I then rushed through the rest of my shower, if for no other reason than to avoid Ellie-induced jump scares.

Is it more manly if I say it's the kind in the blue bottle? And that Bethany and I share shampoo? Oh, it doesn't?

I'm really hoping that Ellie hasn't decided that "Scaring Daddy" is her new favorite game.  She already scares me plenty with her lack of adequate chewing, her new obsession with attempting to climb and descend stairs, and the nastiness that awaits me in her diapers.  I really don't need her to add random jump scares to the mix.  If that's what I wanted, I'd just pay $2.99 for a random 'Five Nights at Freddy's' game.  #DaddyWrite


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