Monday, August 19, 2024

Day 1,795 - The Last Day of Summer

It’s finally here. The last day of summer. Tomorrow, Ellie and Ethan will begin third grade and kindergarten respectively. It’s honestly going to take a little getting used to for them to be back at school. That being said, they’re both excited and maybe a little nervous. The important thing for today though was to make sure that I helped give them a good last day of summer.

Last week, Ellie created a short list of things that she wanted to do before school began. There wasn’t a ton on it to begin with and we’ve been systematically checking things off. One thing that remained though was a trip to The Rush Funplex. Honestly, with all of our other fun activities that we’ve been filling our days with, we haven’t been to Rush much this summer. No worries though as we can go plenty of times once the weather turns cold.

There was one thing that we had to do this morning before we could head to Rush though. We needed to pack a lunch so that we could go have lunch with Bethany. As Mondays are generally one of her slower days in the office, it was the perfect opportunity for the three of us to go join Bethany for lunch. Therefore, I packed a lunch of chicken nuggets for the kids, a sandwich for myself, some apples, some carrots, and cookies for dessert for us to enjoy at lunchtime.

Before lunchtime though, it was time to head to Rush. We started off our time there in the bowling alley where Ellie and Ethan engaged in some fun arcade like games as they bowled. From there, we wandered over to the giant foam pit where the two siblings took turns flying off the trapeze into the blocks of foam. Our last event for the day consisted of laser tag. Lucky for us, the attendant was super nice and let me strap on a vest so that I could play with the kids even though I hadn’t paid for entry. If I’m being serious, laser tag had to be one of my highlights of the day. I loved sneaking around the course and trying to shoot other players while simultaneously putting myself in position for Ellie and Ethan to fire at me. Easier said than done if I’m being serious.

After Rush, we headed over to Legends to meet Bethany for lunch at DFA. While there was nothing big or special about our time there, it was just fun to watch the kids loving on their mom while telling her all of their stories about the morning. They also were able to get some big glasses of chocolate milk to enjoy as well which made them fairly happy. Unfortunately, we could only stay with Bethany for an hour and then it was time to come home.

As for our afternoon, it was fairly non-eventful. All we really did was spend a little time playing outside, watched a little TV, and made a quick trip to CVS to pick up some pictures. While nothing about it was super exciting, most of those things were what the kids wanted to do and I was not going to deny them the opportunity to choose what to do with the waning days of their summer vacation.

All in all, I would have to say that this has been a fun summer. It’s been super busy and feels like it has gone way too fast but it’s been fun. It’s interesting to see how much I’ve hyped this summer up in my mind. I feel like I’ve run myself ragged trying to make it a special one for both kids but especially for Ethan. With this being his last summer before school begins, I wanted it to be full of good memories. The weird thing is that with all of the build up that has been going on in my head for the last month, it feels like our summer ended on a rather tame note instead of going out with a bang.

However, now it’s time to shift gears and get ready for school to start. I’m excited to see what the year brings forth for both Ellie and Ethan. I know there’s a combination of nerves and excitement that exists in both of them. However, I believe without a shadow of a doubt that it’s going to be a great school year. for them!

As for me, I really don't know. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon enough.


This is the look of a tired boy anxious awaiting whatever is coming next.

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