Monday, August 12, 2024

Day 1,790 - Random Days Are the Best Days

It would not be a lie to say that it’s been a very busy summer in House Holt. We’ve gone on hikes. We’ve played in creeks. We’ve been to the zoo. We’ve been to World of Fun. We’ve been to the park countless times. We’ve gone swimming. We even went on vacation. It’s all been fun though. However, with all of those activities, we haven’t left a ton of time for being spontaneous. If I’m being completely honest, it’s those times of absolute spontaneity that gives us the best memories. Lucky for us, today was one of those days.

With this being the last full week of summer, Ellie has made a checklist of the things that she would like to have happen this week. It just so happened that the first thing on her list was to make homemade fudgesicles. Since that’s hardly a difficult request, once we got dressed and ready for the day, we loaded up in the car and headed to Hy-Vee.

Now, I am aware that there are closer grocery stores to us than Hy-Vee. However, those stores don’t allow me to surprise the kids with biscuits and gravy. The funny part is that Ethan has come to associate Hy-Vee with biscuits and gravy so as soon as he saw the parking lot, he asked me if that was what we were going to get. Leave it to the little man to ruin my surprise, right?

After enjoying our breakfast together, we picked up our box of pudding and checked out. Then we headed over to Walmart to grab a disco ball. Yes, I am completely aware that a disco ball is not needed for making fudgesicles. That being said, it is essential for dance parties which Ellie and Ethan love. They have been a little sad since my childhood disco ball broke leaving them with lights for their dance parties.

Once we found the novelty light aisle at Walmart, we spent a little time browsing before going on our way. You see, Walmart does not only have disco balls in the novelty light aisle. They also have a variety of neon lights that can be activated by pushing a simple test button on the outside of the box. As one could probably guess, the three of us had a great time testing all of the lights and identifying our favorites and explaining to each other why we liked it. Eventually though, it was time to check out and head for home.

Once we got home, before we could make fudgesicles, Ellie and Ethan became embroiled in what could be the most random activity ever for an eight-year-old and a five-year-old. They began drawing replicas of flags. It started simple enough with them choosing countries that they knew and recognized from the Olympics. Once they ran out of those countries, they began asking me for ones to add to their collection. Before long though, our entire table was littered with various drawings of flags from around the world. While it is definitely a random activity, it also was highly educational so I can’t complain too much!

Ellie and Ethan present "Fun with Flags"

After lunch, it was time to make our fudgesicles and get them in the freezer to harden up. While it was hardly an arduous task, it still was a fun activity to do together. While I assumed quiet time was on the way after that, Ellie and Ethan had one more thing to do before that could happen. They needed to have a dance party courtesy of their new disco light. Accompanied by the sounds of the Bluey soundtrack, the two danced nonstop in their room all the way to quiet time.

While I know that our morning sounds like it was relatively full and eventful, it was actually refreshing to just sit back and let life happen rather than to go out and plan some huge activity to occupy our day. Honestly, by the time this is week is over, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that today was my favorite day of all.



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