Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Day 1,586 - A Typical School Week in September 2023

So, it's been a busy few weeks. August 22nd marked the first day of school for both Ellie and Ethan. Yes, you read that correctly; Ethan is a full-fledged pre-school student. Don't make the mistake of calling him a preschooler though. He will pretty much immediately correct you and say "It's not preschool. It's K-Prep!".  Anyway, life has definitely changed somewhat for our family during this season.

Here's where I should say that Ethan actually only attends K-Prep at Northland Christian on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 to 11:30 am. While it's not a huge amount of time, it's definitely changed life somewhat in our household. For one thing, it means Ellie, Ethan, and I all need to make sure we're dressed and ready to head out the door on those days by about 7:40. Then, we make the short drive down to 108th Street and head to Northland Christian's new Early Childhood Campus.

Once we arrive, all three of us hop out of the car and escort Ethan inside the building and up the stairs to his classroom where he inevitably hurries inside with nary a look back. The little man doesn't even say "Goodbye" or anything. Honestly, I'm excited that he's just so happy and enjoying school so much. He's stoked to arrive each Tuesday and Thursday morning and can't wait to tell me all about his day when I arrive at 11:30 and a teacher brings him out to our car.

Now, you may have noticed that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Ellie helps me deliver Ethan to K-Prep. Once he's there, that actually leaves us with an hour to kill before Ellie needs to be at Fox Hill for school. On Tuesdays, we normally don't do much of anything exciting. For example, today, we just came home, played a board game, read a book, watched a short video, and made Ellie's lunch.

I know that it probably sounds silly but making Ellie's lunch was actually pretty fun today.  She asked for chicken nuggets in a thermos for her lunch today. No big issue there. However, instead of just making them myself, I asked her if she would like to help which she definitely did. She actually took care of almost the entire lunch making process start-to-finish. In fact, the only thing I did was cut up an apple for her. She did everything else with minor directions on my part. It's actually pretty fun to see her growing and gaining confidence in herself through simple tasks like making a lunch.

So, that was a Tuesday. On Thursdays though, our schedule is a little different. Since Ellie doesn't have P.E. and gymnastics on Thursdays, we go and play tennis for an hour to get her some physical activity. Ellie's actually been really interested in learning to play tennis over the last couple of years. She just needs consistent practice to get better. That's why I love the consistency of this time thus far. It's fun to see her building on her knowledge and carrying skills over from week-to-week. It's also just a really special activity for just the two of us to share once a week without the presence of Ethan.

I know that I really didn't say a ton of value in this blog. However, I just found it important for posterity to be able to look back and see just what an average school week looked like for us in September of 2023. It'll be interesting to me and the kids (and probably Bethany) so that's the most important thing, right?


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